Frame That Photo With Auto FX Photo/Graphic Edges 7.0
"Auto FX is pleased to announce the release of Photo/Graphic Edges 7.0 Platinum Edition The new Platinum Edition version includes 32 photo effects such as Film Frames, Natural Media, Storyboards, Grunge Edges and much, much more! There are thousands of new frames, darkroom edges, compositions and artistic adornments to add a creative touch to your photos." ![](
Auto FX released Version 7 of their framing software and it is available both as a standalone version and a Photoshop plugin. I love frames! I think they do wonders to photos as they help define the mood, tone and focal point of the image. I used to spent hours perfecting rudimentary frames with Photoshop Elements, but this is a complete collection. Check out their site for some good examples of pictures with and without frames. Now if they could just make it cheaper than the $249 USD they want for the full version...