01-21-2009, 02:00 AM
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Windows Mobile UI Overhaul?
"Apparently, the company will be taking the wraps off a cloud-based syncing service called SkyBox, a MobileMe-like system which allows you to sync and backup your Windows Mobile phone OTA, though there's speculation the service might be extended to non-WM devices as well. The cats in Redmond will also apparently unveil something called SkyLine, an enterprise version of SkyBox, and will properly introduce SkyMarket -- its "mobile marketplace" (an App Store competitor)." 
Engadget has news that Microsoft will be releasing a MobileMe clone, as well as apparently contemplating revising the Windows Mobile UI (WM7 anyone?). I'm curious to know just how many of our readers use cloud-based services. I feel that cloud-based computing is a good idea, but bandwidth and uptime are two considerations that have made me less than enthusiastic about adopting it. It all really depends on the implementation and the user experience - remember, MobileMe had a very rocky start. Microsoft looks to be going into the cloud in a big way this year - Skybox sounds like Exchange sync for the masses, with extras. On top of that, the shots above are purported to be of a new WM interface. While this is all highly speculative, I'll just note that there's still a today screen link in the screen, so it's not going to be a total changeover and more of an overlying shell. Thoughts everyone?
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."

01-21-2009, 02:22 AM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 86
Hopefully the MobileMe clone won't be something like Windows Me Mobile. Sorry I couldn't resist :P

01-21-2009, 02:30 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
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MobileMe has been solid since the rocky launch. I'm fully integrated into it now and can't imagine going back to the old way(s).
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01-21-2009, 03:11 AM
Join Date: May 2004
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UI and the Neowin Story
I have to wonder if this UI is a complete makeover, or just a shell like TouchFlo, Winterface or Spb Mobile Shell. If it's just a shell, I don't think many of the haters will be appeased.
I also wonder why this will be called WM 6.5 instead of WM 7. It seems like there are enough features to justify a full version jump -- unless WM 7 is the complete UI makeover.
P.S. Let's give proper credit to the site that seems to have broken this story (at least the SkyBox/SkyLine part) -- Neowin.

01-21-2009, 03:22 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 4,396
Software And Services
Regarding "cloud" services, I think Microsoft's on the right path with the "Software and Services" strategy instead of trying to do "Software As A Service". Storing my data online (as a backup) is a great idea. However, I don't want my applications or data to reside solely online because I wouldn't have access to them if I lost my connection.

01-21-2009, 03:54 AM
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Posts: 468
I think the cloud syncronization is an excellent idea. And I say this as someone who has that now via a hosted Exchange account. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'll never go back to POP3. Having my email and other data sync'd across all of my PCs and my phone is extremely powerful, and if it'll be available to people now without Exchange, then that's terrific. Personally, unless the new service offers some killer new feature, I'll probably stick with my current solution.
As for the new UI, it certainly looks pretty and I'm sure it'll be quite slick. I just hope it goes beyond the Today screen and is used throughout the built-in apps. And I hope it's extensible so third-party developers can use it, too.

01-21-2009, 04:16 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 984
Originally Posted by Nurhisham Hussein
I'm curious to know just how many of our readers use cloud-based services.
I sync my calendar and contacts with Google Calendar and Gmail (respectively), and those sync over the air with my phone using NuevaSync, and I sync mail using Verizon's included wireless sync option. Both are push - NuevaSync uses ActiveSync. I do not ever sync my phone with my PC - I never need to.
It works perfectly, and the app that I use on my Mac to sync with Google - SpanningSync - posts any changes to Google's services whenever a contact or calendar event record is added or changed.

01-21-2009, 04:54 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 43
The cloud sync does sound nice. Don't think it is something I would use personally, but it does sound cool. I would at least give it a try if it was available to see how I liked it. I use IMAP already for email and syncing docs and such I just do when I sync with my computer when I get home each day.
As far as the interface goes, what Microsoft needs to do, and this is what Apple has already done with their SDK is have strict rules about developing applications and following a graphic standard. Don't limit developers from making apps that compete with what Microsoft has created for the phone (e.g. Apple wont let devs make a web browser to compete with Safari and sell it in the AppStore) but make the developers follow a standard for how their applications look. This just ends up making everything on the phone look good. That is one of the major problems I see with Windows Mobile... Every App looks different... There really isn't any kind of standard for putting the "Settings" button here and the this and that there. It's all just mixed up cause ever dev thinks he can do it better than the next guy. It just ends up being a mixed up puzzle which in turn makes it all look terrible and work even worse.
I really hope Microsoft does something better. As much as I love what I can do with with my Windows Mobile device, I'm pretty sick of the clunky interface. I shouldn't have to buy a ton of 3rd party apps to make my device usable. I use Wisbar Advance, Wisbar Advance Desktop and Resco Keyboard Pro to make my device at least finger friendly like the iPhone, but it still doesn't hold a candle to the magic Apple did with OSX Mobile or whatever the OS is called on there.

01-21-2009, 05:15 AM
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I dig the cloud idea, I personally haven't synced with my computer in years and opted for cloud based solutions - both free and paid for. It also just makes sense and comes in very handy in situation where a computer explodes and there is no backup or you're out of town and your phone is stolen or falls into a puddle of water and you need to get a new phone and contacts right away.

01-21-2009, 09:14 AM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 17
I'm using a hosted exchange solution right now and think it's almost perfect. The only thing missing is the possibility to sync files. You would need an unlimited dataplan but I have one so that wouldn't be a big problem for me