Eye-Fi Cards Announced, Geotag away!
"Apple gave a lot of airtime this week to the new geotagging features in iPhoto 09, which allows users to organize and search photos based on the GPS data assigned to them. Eye-Fi's SD memory cards will enable any camera to tag photos with a location, making the cards a great camera upgrade for iLife 09 users."    
Photo Credit: Eye-Fi As you can see from the photos above, there are four versions of the cards, and though the article says the cards will geotag the photos, you have to make sure you purchase the right one. The Home card ($79.99 USD) only uploads via your wireless network to your own computer. The Share card ($99.99 USD) gives you unlimited access to the WebShare, but only the Explore version ($129.99 USD) gives you geotagging and webshare. The bonus with the Explore card is the free year of Wayport Hotspot access (not sure how much of the $30 price upgrade goes towards the "free" hotspot access). The 4th card they are offering is the Anniversary Edition ($129.99 USD), has all features of Explore card except for geotagging and Hotspot access, and adds 4GB memory and compatibility with SDHC-labeled cameras. On the surface these seem like a pretty slick product, have any of you had experience with them and do they support the hype?
iPhone 4, 1.6 GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook Air, Apple TV, 2.66GHz Intel C2D Mac Mini, 1TB TC, Airport Extreme,several iPods and an iPad, 32GB Wi-Fi version. Follow me on Twitter.