Enjoy Christmas Week With A Chance To Win Infestation!
"The general sent you to bomb an alien infested area, unfortunately your spaceship falls. Assuming that you´ll be dead soon and he´ll get the permission to bomb that area, he tells you that it will take 20 days to get you back...Can you prove he´s wrong? " Thoughts readers looking to have a bit of Pocket PC Gaming Fun this Christmas season are in luck - we have 10 copies of Infestation to give away to anyone looking to lighten up their holidays with a fun storry about aliens, bombs, and all of that festive stuff. Simply post your answer to the following question: "How will Infestation make your holiday season better?" to this thread, and in 1 week you may be enjoing a post-Christmas gaming experience. 10 winners will be chosen at random early next week, and you have until 12 noon MST 12/29/2008 to get your post together and attached! Good luck!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts