OSX 10.5.6 Now Available
"The Mac OS X 10.5.6 Update is recommended for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard versions 10.5, 10.5.1, 10.5.2, 10.5.3, 10.5.4, and 10.5.5. It includes general operating system fixes that enhance the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac." 
So... Yeah... Those rumors that this update would have a lot of bug fixes? All true. This 668 megabyte (that's the Combo Updater of course!) update is packed with all kinds of updating goodness. There are a lot of good fixes in here, most notably a few AirPort fixes that might save a few of you from pulling out your hair, and even a few updates for Address Book and iCal that make it push and pull data from MobileMe more quickly. Me? I'm most excited about this nugget: "Improves the performance and reliability of Chess." Thank GOD they fixed that, huh?
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.