Interesting Use For Promo Codes on the App Store
"For the first 20 purchasers who send in an iTunes receipt showing a Hexy purchase, Fifth Ace will generate free promo codes allowing buyers to gift the second copy of a game to a friend. It's a pretty small marketing push in an arena where sales need to be in thousands, not tens, but it's a move that is built to attract attention by its cleverness more than its reach." 
As Erica points out, this is a small push, but in reality it demonstrates a very good example of the kind of outside the box thinking that distances good developers and great developers from the rest of the pack. There are many uses for the new promo codes aside from giving a copy of your app to Apple Thoughts (although I wouldn't object to receiving them from any app developers out there) so use your imagination!
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.