Verizon Got $50 More From Early Omnia Adopters!
"Samsung's Omnia is nice enough to find a good home in many a professional's pocket, but in terms of overall desirability it doesn't quite compare to the iPhone or G1. Why, then, did Verizon price the thing $50 higher than its alternate-platform competition? Your guess is as good as ours, but at least the company didn't take long to see the error of its ways, dropping the handset under the magic $200 mark just a few days after the early-adopters got done paying too much for theirs." 
Verizon just couldn't resist getting the big bucks from early adopters then dropping the price of the Omnia back down to normal levels to be in line with it's major competitors. How do you early adopters on Greedy V feel about that? Or are you just enjoying your new devices?
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts