Apple's Green Initiative Falling Flat?
"If you live in the U.S., you've probably seen the latest Apple ad spot on television by now. The company is touting the new unibody MacBook as "green" for the environmentally conscious. I'm in that group myself with a hybrid car, a solar-powered attic fan and as a fanatic about recycling. No scrap of paper in our home is safe from the recycling bin, not even the puny little ATM and purchase reciepts I get at WaWa. We're getting ready to start composting in the near future as well. From my perspective then, it's nice to see Apple's green take on the new MacBook. That's why I was flabbergasted to see my Mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter today packaged in a box that's at least as big as the one my MacBook came in." 
Photo credit: Kevin C. Tofel, JK On The Run The box on the left is for one MiniDP adapter. One! It's bigger than the box for the MacBook! I'm sorry, Apple, but this counts as bonehead packaging to the tenth level. It's even more ridiculous when you visit JK On The Run and see the size of the adapter compared to the size of the MacBook. There's just no reason for this whatsoever. Amazon has taken on the annoyingly difficult packaging problem. Maybe it's time Apple took on it's overpackaging issues.
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.