Go Feed Your Mac, NOW!

It's that time of year, when software publishers start pushing bundles. With all of the noise made over the MacHeist gang's shennanigans, one of the most innovative bundles of the 2007 holiday season got overlooked. Last year, Aquafadas, publisher of BannerZest and BannerZest Pro, sponsered a bundle package filled with Mac applications from European developers. What was interesting about the bundle, which had the odd name Give Good Food To Your Mac was that the more you bought, the deeper the discount, ranging from 20% for 3 or more apps to a whopping 70% for 10 or more apps. The selection of applications was so deep and varied, that it really wasn't too difficult to select enough products for the deepest discount. This year, Give Good Food To Your Mac is back, and the structure is the same, but the discounts not quite so deep. Three apps gets a 20% discount. four apps get 30%, and five apps get 50%. The selection is different from last year, as well - a wider range with audio and video tools, productivity, imaging and 3D, utilities and a catch-all home & learning category. There are about 60 applications in all, from both U.S. and European developers. I don't think it will be difficult for any Mac user to find enough applications to max out the discount. Don't delay, the promo runs until December 1st! Update from Vincent: My mistake for posting this late, guys. I lost track of the date and forgot that today was actually December 1st.