O2 Xda Zest Reviewed
"I'm not going to beat about the bush here, I'll just come right out with it. I just love the O2 XDA Zest. I am fortunate as a WM reviewer to have a good selection of the latest devices to hand and the Zest is my device of the moment. I have an HTC Touch Pro, an HTC Touch Diamond and several other high spec devices sat gathering dust on my shelf while the Zest goes in my pocket every morning and back on charge every night. I've been trying to figure out just why I find the Zest better than the smaller flashier Diamond for example and I think it all comes down to O2 and ASUS having found the perfect balance of hardware and software. On paper the Zest is not the best device in stores at the moment, and it's not the prettiest, but it's just so easy to use (once you replace the SIP keyboard that is). It’s complete. The fact that O2 have launched the Zest as their first PAYG XDA as well is utterly amazing. £250 for what in my opinion is the most usable device on the market today? That's just a bargain, and to be frank, you should all go and buy two today (everyone needs a spare!)." 
4WinMobile has reviewed the ASUS-built Xda Zest and given it a whopping 91%. If you're looking for a device that hasn't been touched by the hands of HTC, this may fit the bill.