Apple Customer Service Tops PC Makers
"Are you a PC or a Mac? If you're enjoying great customer service, chances are you're a Mac, based on some new data released by VocaLabs. They're one of those companies whose job it is to ask you at the end of your call with customer service how things went, and their survey results show that when asked how satisfied they were with their agent, 60% answered "very satisfied." Dell customers? Only 44%. Gateway followed with 37%. Not enough info is yet available on Toshiba and HP to be statistically significant." 
In the end, this is nothing most of us here don't already know. My experiences with Apple Support have been very good over the years. Lita's story comes as a big surprise to PC users but not so much to us Mac users. I won't go too far into the results, but I can totally understand Toshiba being at the bottom of the food chain. I've never had a good experience with them in any way. And Gateway is a close second as far as my worst ever, so I tend to think this chart is pretty accurate. Anyone find these out of whack in any way?
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.