Apple Fan Creates his Own Mac Netbook
"Here are some pics of two MacBook Nano netbooks, which started life as a pair of MSI Winds. An Apple fanboy and his son applied a couple of stickers, stamped “MacBook Nano” on the bezel and installed OSX Leopard to complete the transformation." 
These MacBook Nanos look pretty good, almost genuine and if Apple was going to do a netbook, it might look something like this. Given that Steve Jobs considers netbooks a nascent market, I doubt we'll see official MacBook Nanos anytime soon. Still, it's great to get a look at what a possible Mac netbook would look like. If I had need of a netbook, I would definitely buy something that looked like this that ran OS X. Anyone else wishing Apple would pull the trigger on a new MacBook Nano?
iMac 21.5 inch, Macbook 13 inch, 32GB iPhone 4, 8GB 1st gen iPod Touch, 64GB iPad WiFi, AppleTV, iPod Shuffle