SpaceTime 3.0 Available for the iPhone and iPod Touch
"SpaceTime 3.0 by SpaceTime Mathematics introduces the most powerful mathematics program for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Move, pinch and rotate 2D, 3D and 4D graphs in real-time. Explore mathematical concepts in an innovative interface and write your own scripts in our new programming language. Solve limits, derivates and integrals with MobileCAS®, the first computer algebra system ever developed for iPhone. With features only available in Mathematica and MATLAB, SpaceTime is the only cross-platform mathematics software available for computers and mobile devices." 
Okay, I'm not going to lie. This application looks cool in the same way a genetic map or anatomy chart looks cool to me. I can appreciate its complexity and its beauty, but I don't understand a single bit of it. Honestly, I still have trouble with long division (thank God for calculators... Am I right or what?) I was told, however, by one of the intrepid souls who helped make this site what it is today that it's a very popular app for Palm and Windows Mobile devices, so that's all I need to know to let you all know about it. SpaceTime is available now for $19.99 from the App Store.
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.