Apple: "Our Holiday Line-up is Set"
"Despite Internet rumors of forthcoming product releases, an Apple representative confirmed that the company has no plans to release any new products before the holidays. “Our holiday line-up is set,” Apple spokesman Bill Evans told Macworld."  Sad Christmas Tree (Of course it's sad; there were no new Apple products under it!) photo via Hajime7 on Flickr.
Well, thus ends that batch of rumors. Turns out Apple won't be releasing any new iMacs, Mac Minis, or Mac Pros before the holiday season. There's still a persistent rumor that the 17" MacBook Pro will be getting an update a-la the 15" models soon, but I think this pretty much puts the kibosh on the whole thing. It has been a busy year, nonetheless, for Apple. They've updated the MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, spec bumped the iMac, spec bumped the Mac Pro, updated the iPhone, the iPod Classic, the Touch, and the Nano, and released a new firmware version for the AppleTV, so it's not like Apple was asleep at the switch this year. What do you think? Are you happy with the holiday line up, or did Apple miss a chance to make further inroads with customers?
Current Apple Stuff: 24" iMac, iPhone 4, AppleTV (original), 4gb Shuffle, 64gb iPad 2.