120Hz TVs: That Just Doesn't Look Right!
Chris' post on the Mitsubishi LaserVue TVs reminded me of something I've wanted to post about for a while: I really dislike the way TVs with 120Hz refresh rates look. My local home theatre store, a Visions branch, had the same movie playing on two different TVs. One was a Pioneer Kuros at 60Hz, and one was an LG at 120Hz. The movement of the actors on the screen of the 120Hz TV looked completely bizarre. I thought at first it was just one of those "you're not used to it yet" types of things, but the more I watched it, and compared it with the 60Hz that I was used to the more I thought it just looked...wrong. The movement was exaggerated and, frankly, unrealistic. This is obviously the way TVs are moving, so ultimately I might have to get used to it, but I'm sure not excited about that prospect. On 120Hz TVs, can you toggle it back to 60Hz? Where do you stand on 120Hz TVs? Did I just not give it enough of a chance? Or do things at 120Hz look as bizarre as I think they do? Sound off...