"HP has announced two new Windows Mobile smartphones today - the iPaq Voice Messenger and Data Messenger. HP is pitching the smartphones at two different markets and the iPaq Voice Messenger is aimed at users who need a phone first; the iPaq Data Traveller is pitched at people looking for a more traditional smartphone."
I think HP has come up with quite a stylish design - this doesn't look like any other smartphone on the market, and that's a good thing. There's a video after the break, and the full specifications for those that want a break-down.
HP iPaq Voice Messenger specifications
* Sleek phone-centric device with a 20-key QWERTY design for messaging and emails * 3G wireless broadband connectivity for voice and data:1,2 o Tri-band UMTS (900/1900/2100MHz) o Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE (850/900/1800/1900MHz) o HSDPA up to 3.6/7.2 Mbps o HSUPA up to 2.0 Mbps * Operating system: Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard Edition * GPS: integrated support6 * Display: 2.4-inch (60.96 mm) diagonal QVGA, 64K color, 240 x 320, non-touchscreen * Camera: 3.1MP, auto-focus, 5x digital zoom, flash LED * Wi-Fi: 802.11b/g1 * Bluetooth: v2.0 + EDR1 * Memory: 128MB mobile DDR SDRAM / 256MB NAND Flash memory * Storage: MicroSD (support up to 8GB5) * Battery: 1260 mAh Lithium-polymer * Charge/sync connector: Micro-USB * Headset: 2.5 mm stereo headset jack * Dimensions: 114 x 50 x 13.6mm (H x W x D) * Weight: 107 grams * Navigation: 5-way optical navigation with center select
HP iPaq Data Messenger specifications
* Slide-out QWERTY keyboard and 5-way control * 3G wireless broadband connectivity for voice and data1,2 o Tri-band UMTS (900/1900/2100 MHz) o Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) o HSDPA up to 7.2Mbps downlink o HSUPA up to 2Mbps uplink * Operating System: Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional edition * GPS: integrated support6 * Display: 2.81-inch (71.12 mm) diagonal QVGA, 64K color, 240x320 * Camera: 3.1MP auto-focus, 5X digital zoom with flash LED * Wi-Fi: 802.11 b/g with WPA2 security1 * Bluetooth: 2.0 + EDR1 * Memory: 128M SDRAM/256MB Flash ROM * Storage: MicroSD (supports up to 8GB4) * Battery: 1140 mAh Lithium-polymer * Charge/sync connector: Micro USB * Headset: 2.5mm stereo headset jack * Weight: 5.64 oz/160g * Dimensions: 4.5 x 2.24 x 0.69 in/114.5x57x17.4mm (H x W x D) * Light sensor for display brightness control * Proximity sensor for touchscreen control while on a call
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Who still buys non-touch smartphones? May as well stick with nokia etc than have a WM version crash on you.
The proper touch ver is too thick, heavy. Why do they think a touch phone needs a keyboard?