10-22-2008, 09:31 PM
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i-Mate Quietly Heads to the Kiddie Pool
"i-Mate, the Windows Mobile handset manufacturer, will be delisted from the Alternative Investment Market as the share price sinks below a penny and the CEO takes back control of the company. The Financial Times reports that Jim Morrison, the colourful CEO who still owns more than three quarters of i-Mate, will take full control as the company withdraws from the AIM - itself a listing service for companies with insufficient heft for the London Stock Exchange."
I had no idea i-Mate was losing as much money as they were, but apparently i-Mate has lost over $70m between March of 2007 to September of this year. I guess the real question is how much steam does i-Mate have in the old engine? It has been a while since I have run across some really interesting i-Mate news but you have to figure if Palm can continue to string itself along as long as it has, then maybe there might be a chance for i-Mate after all.

10-23-2008, 11:56 AM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
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Originally Posted by Rocco Augusto
I guess the real question is how much steam does i-Mate have in the old engine? It has been a while since I have run across some really interesting i-Mate news but you have to figure if Palm can continue to string itself along as long as it has, then maybe there might be a chance for i-Mate after all.
I hate to come across as a pessimist, but I have my doubts that i-mate will survive as well as Palm has. i-mate just hasn't released any compelling devices since it lost HTC as a partner, and I can't see that changing anytime soon. Palm, on the other hand, may make a comeback; the Treo Pro - which looks good and is marketed well - is offering the company some hope.
I do hope I'm wrong about i-mate, though. I would like to see it succeed in the years to come.

10-23-2008, 05:15 PM
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Posts: 2,432
Originally Posted by Darius Wey
Palm, on the other hand, may make a comeback; the Treo Pro - which looks good and is marketed well - is offering the company some hope.
Wasn't the Treo Pro manufactured by HTC? It looks like a really slick device, maybe i-Mate should take a page out of Palm's book 

10-23-2008, 09:12 PM
Contributing Editor
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Posts: 524
I'm waiting for the WM 6.1 upgrade. I hope they get that out. I like my 6150. It's a high end device as are at least 3 of the 4 Ultimate devices. I don't consider anything with less than vga resolution high end. It's too bad their initial release was so poorly done and it took a while for them to fix battery related problems. It would also be nice if people would support the GoForce 5500. Oh well, I always seem to pick devices that are poorly supported. Looks like this will be another.
I don't understand why the Ultimate devices are always over looked. They're still better than all but the best WM devices out there technically. Physical design is more personal taste. 520MHz, 128MB RAM, 256MB ROM, microSD, fast graphics, VGA out, VGA display - It's not too shabby in my book. 802.11b/g, bluetooth, 4 band gprs/edge/umts/hsdpa data, remote locking/wipeing/alarm via web site for free, I don't know....I think they got a lot of things right.
It would be great to see a post here from iMate telling me when the WM 6.1 update is coming

10-23-2008, 10:12 PM
Executive Editor
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Posts: 29,160
Originally Posted by vector
I don't understand why the Ultimate devices are always over looked. They're still better than all but the best WM devices out there technically. Physical design is more personal taste.
Well, it could be that everything iMate has put out over the past two years has looked like a cheap prop from a low-budget sci-fi movie.  You're right that physical design is about personal taste - the problem is that while you like the design, I don't think the rest of the market did. I certainly didn't - I thought their recent designs were all incredibly ugly. Their constant PR/marketing fumbles didn't help either - I could never manage to get a review unit out of them, although with this last generation I sure didn't try very hard... 