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Old 08-28-2008, 09:30 PM
Jon Westfall
Executive Editor, Android Thoughts
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Default ROM Updates for Tilt and XV6800

"The new ROM for the XV6800, Verizon's version of the HTC Titan, doesn't feature any surprises, but will hook your device up with the usual array of enhancements, including threaded SMS, improved battery life, and more. Sadly, Verizon has kept the GPS functionality locked down so anyone hoping to make use of VZNavigator, or any other 3rd party nav apps will find themselves SOL. Honestly, why Verizon? Why?"

Both the Tilt and the XV6800 recently received ROM update goodness. No GPS for the XV6800 though - VZW simply hasn't figured out a good way to make money off of opening it up, most likely.

Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts

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Old 08-29-2008, 12:43 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 303

There is GPS for the 6800. You have to use VZNav but it is there.

The main problem about this update is it blocks you from using any other GPS program. So you won't be able to use TomTom or iGuidence or any other third party solution.
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Old 09-02-2008, 11:53 PM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1


One thing I do not understand why consumers put up with this kind of treatment this amounts to a monopoly or the old company store would you by a car that you could only go to Exxon get you fuel? The titan was sold to be upgraded and chose software to install. If circuit city tried to tell me what I can run on my home pc they would be out of business. I have the internal GPS working. Although I have a Bluetooth GPS I like not caring extra equipment I paid for my hardware I will use it as I see fit
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Old 09-13-2008, 04:44 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 498

Originally Posted by zmcdonald View Post

One thing I do not understand why consumers put up with this kind of treatment this amounts to a monopoly or the old company store would you by a car that you could only go to Exxon get you fuel? The titan was sold to be upgraded and chose software to install. If circuit city tried to tell me what I can run on my home pc they would be out of business. I have the internal GPS working. Although I have a Bluetooth GPS I like not caring extra equipment I paid for my hardware I will use it as I see fit
This is one of my main gripes with Verizon. Even on plain phones, they used to clip certain features (ringtones, bluetooth, etc.), just so you have to buy even more crap from them. I understand the concept of making money and wanting to make as much of a profit as you can, but if you go to far (or don't loosen up as other carriers do), you'll lose customers. I just hope that as people become more technically adept, they realize that Verizon is artificially limiting their ability to use the hardware they paid their hard earned money for.

I'm in the process of evaluating other carriers at the moment, even though I'm still under contract. I put up with their tactics before just because they used to have really good signal in my area. Of course, they've apparently done something recently to utterly screw up the signal in my area, so there goes that advantage (which was about the only advantage in my opinion). I might as well go with someone else if I can;t even get decent signal at home.
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