Comic-Con On Your Zune
“The Xbox Live Marketplace team has added free Comic-Con 2008 videos to the Zune Marketplace. The event, which ran from July 24-27 in San Diego, California, is a huge convention for fans of comic books, sci-fi, fantasy, anime, horror, and other related arts spanning all genres from books to TV to film. Once devoted just to comics, today’s convention has everything from toys to video games to panels featuring Hollywood actors and producers talking about their latest big movie and screening trailers of highly anticipated films.” 
I’m sure that a few of you here are comic book fans. If so you’ll want to check out the Zune Marketplace since the Xbox Live Team has decided to share the videos with us! (Aww, thanks guys!) Of course, since the Zune Marketplace software is free to anyone then even if you don’t have a Zune or an Xbox and want to see the videos, here’s a perfect excuse to go download them and watch them on your PC. Good catch by Sarah Perez!