David Caulton Gives Insight Into NPD Numbers
"Their goal is to get all of the major retailers in the US to share their sales figures each month. So when you hear sales numbers from NPD, they’re actually the sales figures provided to NPD by the actual retailers – not some consumer survey, not a sample, but the real thing. I’ve spent a lot of time swimming in NPD data for the last few years, and in my experience where I’ve been able to compare sales figures from npd per retailer with actual sales figures, they turn out to be scarily accurate." David Caulton, aka Zunester, gives a little background information on the NPD "market share" statistics we keep seeing thrown around. David is a Zune team member, and specializes in industry analysis. In particular, David fills us in on what retailers are, and are not included in NPD's numbers. Contrary to popular belief, David asserts that indeed Apples' online and retail sales figures are included by NPD. Check out his article for all the details.