07-03-2008, 12:02 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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MetroPCS MetroFlash welcomes Verizon, Sprint customers -- and their devices
"MetroPCS may not have the largest wireless footprint in the States, but they did take a jab at the larger two CDMA carriers by announcing their intention to take on any Verizon and Sprint customers ready to jump ship -- as well as any "compatible" devices they may want to bring along with them. Sprint already supposedly does this (although we've still yet to hear of it actually really happening), but the specifics of MetroPCS's MetroFlash seem equally unclear. It doesn't sound like they'll reprogram just any CDMA device that walks through their doors, though, just the ones they've had a chance to test on their network. Definitely kills the buzz (and the number of devices that can be ported), but a little open is still kind of better than totally closed, right?"
One of the things that have always annoyed be of CDMA devices and carriers is the almost non-existence of openness between them. With my GSM/HSDPA handset I can pop in a SIM card from almost any other GSM network and be up and running with a snap of my fingers. This is something that is almost impossible to do on CDMA networks… heck even switching your current device on the same CDMA network is a hassle. While I give MetroPCS a pat on the back by trying to stand apart from the crowd is it really enough? What benefit is there to being open when the whole process of enabling the handset on the network is so ridiculously cumbersome?

08-01-2008, 07:09 AM
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1
I also give them props....
...for the attempt but at the same time I am concerned because NOWHERE, in anything I've searched, except for in tiny print under the ONE MetroFlash announcement they have on their site, has anyone mentioned how it says, "voice and text only." What does this statement mean exactly? To me, it can only mean two things: either it means, A. Metro PCS cannot offer the many services that your current service provider offers, (i.e., Verizon V-Cast or Helio's Friend Beacon service), because they simply do not have those services available on their network. -OR- it means, B. Metro PCS will not allow you to use any services other than voice and text- not even the ones they DO offer on their network, (i.e., MetroWeb and multimedia messaging).
Which one it is, I believe, will weigh heavily on many peoples decisions. It will on mine. Not to mention that (at least in the San Francisco Bay Area market) Metro only offers 5 phones- 4 clamshells, which BTW, is the style of the majority of the phones listed on Metro's "compatible" list of CDMA phones; and 1 candybar. (Shouldn't all CDMA phones be compatible on a CDMA network? It's possible I'm wrong about that but as a layman, it seems only logical.)
If Metro does not allow me to add multimedia messaging and the LIMITED web browsing they offer, I would much rather pay extra for a better looking phone with better services attached.
Something to think about.
And if someone could clear up if the statement means A or B- that would be most helpful- thanks.