04-29-2008, 11:48 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Pocket PC Thoughts Re-Launch Contest: No, I Haven't Forgotten About You Guys!
Just a quick heads-up to the Pocket PC Thoughts community: because we did the template update and forum migration right before I went to Japan, and because upon returning my life was dealing with the hack --> MVP Summit --> backlogged email & reviews --> Digital Home Thoughts Re-Launch Contest --> HP Dragon contest...I just haven't had any time to put together a contest for this community. I wanted you all to know though that it's on my mind and I'm actively putting together the pieces. It won't be a huge contest with 50+ small to large prizes like Digital Home Thoughts had, but instead I'm going to focus on a handful of valuable prizes. One prize I have sitting here is an HTC Touch Dual that I got at Mobius Amsterdam 2007 a few months back, and I'm not using it at all. I'm sure there's someone out there that would enjoy using it, so that will be up for grabs. I'll also be contacting a few different companies to see if they'd be willing to offer something really nice up - stay tuned!