04-21-2008, 08:40 PM
Editor Emeritus
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Samsung Skips the Touchscreen, Patents Gesture-Based Phone Interface
"Samsung's been getting pretty creative with cell cameras lately -- the Instinct lets you pan around web pages by tracking movement with the camera, for example -- but the company's latest patent application, for a gesture-based phone interface, might be a little less practical. The idea is to use the phone's camera to track your hand movements, which, from the drawings, should have you looking insane on the subway in no time. Of course, we've all been guilty of waving at and even talking to our devices when they're acting up, so maybe a little feedback wouldn't be a bad thing -- there's one gesture we'd definitely like to see programmed in there."

This sounds kind of similar to the unconfirmed Windows Mobile 7 features and screenshots which were leaked back in January. Instead of using an accelerometer to detect motion based gestures, Samsung has decided to go the less expensive route of using our handsets built in camera. Sure it sounds silly when you say it out loud, and I am sure it will be even more silly to watch someone use it in real life, but it is still pretty neat technology. In theory this also makes it somewhat compatible with almost all of Samsung's handsets that are already on the market. Go team Samsung!

04-21-2008, 09:11 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 425
There are lots of patents floating on gesturing. I think, like palm, the specific gesture can be patented, but not the idea of gesturing or the surface use, etc.
Apple is extending gesturing across their platform for the multitouch mouse pad and supposedly into the iPhone/iTouch (logical with those screens); http://www.macrumors.com/2007/11/22/...uring-patents/
With the iPhone/iTouch they have also patented movement of the unit using the accelerometer that is already built in - in fact the SDK already supports that and games will be out this summer that use the accelerometers (the things that allow their screens to flip just by turning the unit). They are also filing patents on use of the camera for motion detection/gesturing, etc as well.
I can just see all the bruised stomachs, sides and backs on the subway riders from over zealous game players flailing around on the crowded train.

04-22-2008, 01:26 AM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 554
Would you rather have a device that is simple to use
and communicate with, or to learn all new second sign language? I would like to see interface to remain simple and friendly to a user. and as for communication with a device... What is happening with Voice commander? Did MS stop working on it? It would be nice if MS could expand its capability to let's say writing SMS or a email, or a note for that matter. I hope MS is not waiting for Apple to do that to iPhone so they could play catch up again .... or do they?
You create your opportunities by asking for them

04-22-2008, 04:38 AM
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This technology isn't really neat as in "Wow, I can't wait for this to be released. It will change the world" neat but more in the sense of "Samsung has some really talented individuals working for them that have just proven to me that they can think outside the box and bring us something really innovating, even if not completely practical, instead of just rebranding the same old hardware in a new body and sticking a new codename on it and shoving it out the door" kind of neat.

04-22-2008, 11:15 AM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 37
I can't wait to flip it the bird to do a soft-reset!

04-22-2008, 01:27 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 676
Originally Posted by cuteseal
I can't wait to flip it the bird to do a soft-reset! 
Nah ... that just makes it lock up. 
64 GB iPad 2 WiFi, Apple TV 2, 32 GB iPhone 4
Early 2011 MacBook Pro 13" (dual boot with Windows 7), Early 2009 Mac Mini