04-21-2008, 09:00 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
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30 Reasons Windows Mobile is Superior to iPhone
"In this article, I have included my initial observations and added some new ones for a condensed list of 30 features lacking in the iPhone. I say condensed because I have subsumed some items into a single point. For example, rather than list all the peripherals the iPhone does not support, I merely say that it doesn’t support peripherals. At the end of the article, I try to be fair by pointing out what I like about the iPhone in its current stage of evolution."

Unlike Tim over at Mobility Site, I do take the iPhone seriously. I have travelled twice out of state since having the iPhone and it has served all my needs perfectly. It's true that it doesn't offer word processing or spreadsheet creation or editing, but I am able to view them which is all I really need. My Dash has been able to create and edit business docs for two years and you know how many I created? Three. On the other hand, if you use your smartphone for business apps, I don't recommend an iPhone. I haven't missed Bluetooth stereo, Infrared capabilities, or satellite radio but if you want these, then a Windows Mobile device is more of what you're looking for. I use the iPhone as my main device because of its Internet ability, WiFi, crystal clear large screen, music and video, viewing pictures, my schedule, and its slick cool interface. I do miss being able to install true apps such as ebooks, and a bible. As mentioned in the article I suspect many of these issues will be resolved either in the iPhone app store or in the iPhone 2. What it really comes down to is what you want and what you need. For others to tell me what's best for me just doesn't make sense. So which is it for you? An iPhone? A Windows Mobile device? Why one and not the other?
Tmo Dash

04-21-2008, 10:42 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 53
A great thing about the iphone is the ability to install hundreds of apps using the Installer application. There is an ebook reader and a bible. Easiest way to get Installer is with ziphone.org
WiFiFoFum Pocket PC Wardrivingwww.Aspecto-Software.com

04-21-2008, 11:42 AM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 471
The author doesn't seem to have a very good idea of the iPhone's capabilities. For example, he mentions that it doesn't have WiFi when it obviously does. There's also no mention of the apps available to jailbroken iPhones, including eBooks and MMS.
It's also a little disingenuous to compare the iPhone against every feature possible on Windows Mobile phone, rather than what's probable. How many WinMo phones have every feature listed? Comparing the iPhone directly against the Tilt would have made for a better comparison.
There's certainly a lot of things that WinMo can do better than the iPhone but I don't think this is a very good list of them.

04-21-2008, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Stinger
There's also no mention of the apps available to jailbroken iPhones, including eBooks and MMS.
I don't think it is reasonable to expect the normal consumer to hack their device just to run apps. That would be a bit like a Winmo user being expected to use a cooked rom from XDA Developers to get some features.
I am not saying I agree with all points of the article. I don't. But until Apple true third party apps are available for the iPhone through Apple's store, this article has this portion correct.
Also, you said he didn't get the wifi comment right. So the iphone <i>does</i> support 802.11g/e? I only see b/g support on Apple's site.
All that said, I know of no Winmo device that has all 30 of those features, and I am not sure what some of those are. What the heck am I supposed to do with an optical eyewear player? 

04-21-2008, 01:15 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 471
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
I don't think it is reasonable to expect the normal consumer to hack their device just to run apps. That would be a bit like a Winmo user being expected to use a cooked rom from XDA Developers to get some features.
If you're smart enough to use a WinMo Pro device, you're definitely smart enough to jailbreak an iPhone. The process takes less than a minute with ZiPhone. Once you're done, it's a lot easier to install apps on your iPhone than it is to install apps on a WinMo Pro device.
There's a centralized repository for the apps and it even tells you when there's updates available for your installed apps. Wouldn't you love to see that kind of functionality on WinMo? I know I certainly would.

04-21-2008, 01:30 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 454
- Cut + paste.
- The ability to work with local files.
- Word processing + the capacity to use an external keyboard.
This is the trifecta of reasons why this, in my opinion, does not qualify as a computer and Windows Mobile devices do. I don't need a laptop because I can work away from home on my Touch Cruise. Yeah, I wish it was as slick and easy as the iPhone, but at the end of the day if I can't use the thing to do work, it doesn't matter how pretty it is.

04-21-2008, 02:14 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,202
Originally Posted by hamishmacdonald
- Cut + paste.
- The ability to work with local files.
- Word processing + the capacity to use an external keyboard.
This is the trifecta of reasons why this, in my opinion, does not qualify as a computer and Windows Mobile devices do. I don't need a laptop because I can work away from home on my Touch Cruise. Yeah, I wish it was as slick and easy as the iPhone, but at the end of the day if I can't use the thing to do work, it doesn't matter how pretty it is.
This is a great point. The thing is for a lot of people these 3 things aren't that important (though cut & paste really should be!). For me the discussion regarding Windows Mobile vs. iPhone always seems far too interface focused. I still maintain that a significant part of the iPhone's appeal is the hardware: Big, hi-res screen, tons of memory and a compact form factor -- that's my trifecta.  Throw in a more capable internet browser and you have many that find the iPhone's pros outweigh the flexibility offered by Windows Mobile.
I'm not sure why Apple has crippled the bluetooth functionality of the device, perhaps to satisfy At&T? However, that continues to be a major negative that could easily be rectified if Apple feels motivated. Many shortcomings will be addressed when third party apps become available, but I don't think Bluetooth will be one of them. Access to the file system, and related file management may be another that isn't, but I'm not sure how they will manage that and still allow third party office apps to exist. How am I supposed to find my docs to edit if I don't have access to the file system?
In any event, I am often surprised by the level of hostility some Windows Mobile fans have towards the iPhone, as demonstrated in Tim's article.. come on, I can't change window animations?  Windows Mobile fans should be jumping for joy with every new feature added to the iPhone. Those new features can only serve to push Microsoft harder to deliver a better experience to all of us.
Of course, some of the more cynical might say that MS doesn't care that much about Windows Mobile, that it was only a vehicle to sell more Exchange and Office licenses, where they can make real money. Once the iPhone joins Symbian in having access to Exchange and editing Office documents, does Microsoft really care if you buy an iPhone instead of Windows Mobile device? They'll probably get paid either way, right?

04-21-2008, 02:15 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 71
Reasons the iPHONE is better than WM
On the contrary to most / all of these types of posts:
1) iPHONE does NOT lock up. It is a PHONE. It should at least do that well AND IT DOES! I have tried several WM phones (AT&T 8125, Tilt, Treo 750) & ALL of them are underpowered & hence, they lock up / freeze all the time. I have seen arguments that the iPHONE doesn't multi-task & that is why they don't lock up. WM should learn from this. How long & how many posts request that WM change the minimize button to a close button.
2) I recently tried a WM Treo 750 running WM6 (in the last 30 days), as my buddy had a brand new one he used for about 45 days, then couldn't return it. I will be putting it on eBAY this week, after only 3.5 weeks of use. I had gotten used to the daily or more soft resets required to use this phone. I'd also gotten use to other built-in bugs but on Saturday morning of last week, it gave an error message & failed to Active Sync with my laptop. The WM error message I Googled found no help at Microsoft's website. I completed the steps, then decided a converged WM device is asking the software / hardware too much.
3) That same best friend who sold me the Treo 750 (albeit with the warning that it was WM junk), has carried an iPHONE since they came out. He loves it due to NO LOCK UPS & NO RESETS! It just works!
4) Too many Microsoft paid MVP's make excuses (30 of them in this article) for WM. Excuse away the need for change on WM part?
5) As soon as Pocket Quicken, Laridian PocketBible, & Pocket Informant become available for the iPHONE &/or the BlackBerry, I'll have no reason for WM at all!!!
I will be switching to the 3G iPHONE when it arrives. For now, I am forced to carry a BB Pearl AND my 4 year old Dell Axim x50v (which never has the syncing problems that WM5 & WM6 & is still more powerful than 99% of what's available on the market!???).

04-21-2008, 03:06 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 116
My brother has an iPhone and I have a Windows Mobile Devices (HTC Universal, XDA Flame, and an XDA iis) it would suffice it to day that I love large screens. At any rate living with my brother gives me plenty of time to poke around on the iPhone and enjoy the slick interface. On first impression I definitely wanted to get one but for me the device was just impractical; here are a few scenarios.
� I text a lot (using the generous keyboard on my HTC Universal or my XDA iis) and recently I was texting with a business partner while I was on the run. One of my other partners was left out of the loop and wanted a summary of our conversation. Not having the time to spare I simply copied the entire text conversation (this is possible with WM 6.1) which included about 50 messages. I pasted the conversation in an email and sent it directly to him.
� I have many hobbies and my WM device is able to support those hobbies. One of those being Wireless Technology: Install packet sniffer, put my NIC in promiscuous mode, and go to Starbucks.
� My buddy needs help with one of his computers at his store: I fire-up the RDP application on my device and get him squared away, while I�m walking the mall. If it takes a while, I find a place to sit and whip out my always ready, foldable, super-slim, stowaway keyboard.
� Hmm, I think the search bar on my home screen takes up too much space: Go to registry editor, modify a regkey, and shirnk the bar a little bit. Heck, while I�m at it let me redirect the search bar to use Google.
� Want to feel connected: Let me make my entire home screen to be summarized articles from PocketPCThoughts.com and I want them to updates every 20 minutes, and let me make the headers be red� no orange.
� On a tight budget this week: lets load up my financial information on my home screen, with my running balance, and my last 10 transaction.
I know many of you don�t use these features, and I also can go a month without using anything I mentioned, but I want to know that I have the ability to.
Most cars go at least 120mph these days, even though we rarely might, but it�s good to know that we can go that fast if we needed to, or more importantly if we wanted to. So, it all boils down to VERSATILITY for me.

04-21-2008, 03:36 PM
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 26
No user replacable battery
If you are on a business trip, vacation, etc; if the battery dies or is exhausted, you can't put in an extra charged battery.
Lack of storage card means no backups. Backup via internet or data plan won't work. I don't use or need a data plan.
One of my main hardware rules is: "Replacable battery required!"