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Old 03-29-2008, 01:00 PM
Ed Hansberry
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Default Palm Treo 800w Available From Sprint In July?

"According to a leaked product roadmap, Palm's next high-end Windows Mobile smartphone will be introduced by Sprint in July. This report in in-line with comments from Palm executives, who said recently that their company will refresh its line of business-oriented smartphones this summer."

This is being touted as a replacement for the 700w, so it would seem to be a WM Professional (Pocket PC) device, not a WM Standard (Smartphone) as has been suggested by some rumors. It also shows WM 6.0 instead of 6.1, but this is an early list and it is still possible 6.1 will get loaded before it ships. They are providing a camera and cameraless version which will be good for those in jobs where camera phones are forbidden. I also believe this is the first Treo from Palm with built in WiFi. It is unconfirmed yet as to whether or not this device will have a 320x320 screen.

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Old 03-29-2008, 02:35 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 71

It will be a huge mistake if the new WM Treo doesn't have at least the following:

320x320 screen
256 RAM / ROM
520 mgz processor OR better yet the 624 Marvell / Intel
1600-2500 mah battery
Preferably SirfStar III or IV GPS

Right now I use my 14 month old BB Pearl w/ my 3-4 year old Dell Axim x50v over my Treo 750 due to lock-ups & poor screen quality on the 750.

It seems simple to me with the much superior iPHONE that WM needs to solve the low memory, slow, awful screen, poor battery devices of old. We'll see if Palm reads this & other websites like it when it debuts this new device.

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Old 03-29-2008, 03:25 PM
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But does it have Direct Connect?????????????????
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Old 03-31-2008, 02:08 AM
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It also will be a huge mistake if Windows Mobile 6.1 isn't loaded on the phone. It is time for Microsoft to start playing hardball with the phone companies and not force customers to wait 12 to 18 months after new versions of the operating system are announced.

Also, there needs to be a mechanism for users to load updates to the operating system independent of the phone companies. If there is no change to either of these approaches, then Microsoft deserves to let Apple and Google eat their lunch in the market Microsoft got off the ground.
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Old 03-31-2008, 03:41 PM
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I believe that this is a windows mobile professional device. Look at the picture and notice that the start menu is in the top left hand corner. Standard devices are in the bottom left and attached to a hard key.

Also, we need to find out about the chipset to know if it will have ptt.
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