Luminous Landscape: Your Camera Does Matter
"One of the most annoying questions on the web is seen when someone on a forum asks – Should I get a Whatsiflex or a Thingabobblad? Which is better? The problem is not with the questions. The problem is the answers! This often innocent query unleashes not only the dogs of war, but the clowns of cliche as well. Among the fan boys rallying for their favourite brand there are bound to be at least a couple of bright sparks who write – "It's not the camera, it's the photographer", or some similar pithy aphorism. Inevitably someone will also quote from Saint Ansel (who in reality was quite a gear head himself). Then some kind soul will start ranting about how even a Holga can take great shots, pinhole cameras are all one needs, and how the camera industry is a vast conspiracy intended to turn us into mindless robots, godless heathen, communists, or worse." This article reads more like a letter to the editor than anything else. And I agree. While a person's photography skills are crucial, the tool itself cannot be underestimated. My favorite quote of the article is "Discussing the merits of one tool over another is relevant. Some lenses, cameras and other photographic tools are better than others. In some cases they are objectively better, while in others their degree of betterness will be subjetive and will depend on the specific needs of a particular photographer". Do any of you believe that a great photographer can get good shots out of pretty much any equipment?