12-17-2004, 06:00 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Need Help? Be Descriptive
I've noticed a large influx lately of new Pocket PC owners, which is great to see, and many of the new messages are "I need help!" messages. We're here to help you, but it's important that both the subject line and the message itself as as descriptive. A message entitled "HELP!?!" or "PLEASE HELP!!!" isn't very descriptive, and in many ways it will cause people to bypass your message rather than gaining you the help you want. Here are some general guidelines for getting help quickly in our forums:
� Read over the forum descriptions and pick the best forum for your question � Only post in one forum - if you haven't received a response after a few days, you can try posting in another forum, but try changing the subject line or your post � Be as detailed as possible in your post: include things like the make and model of your Pocket PC, an exact description of the problem, and what steps (if any) you've taken to try and solve it thus far
To all our new members, welcome! We're here to help you, so if you follow the above guidelines, you stand a good chance of being helped quickly and effectively. :-)