02-21-2008, 11:45 PM
Executive Editor
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QVGA vs. VGA in Pictures

Since we're having such a rip-roaring discussion about the merits of VGA vs. QVGA in our forums, I thought I'd highlight one of the resources referenced in that thread. The photography is particularly excellent, and shows the details that YouTube's craptastic quality cannot. Worth a look! I adore VGA screens, but they never seem come on the devices that I like - the small, thin, light devices. Hopefully as things continue to evolve we'll see more VGA screens...

02-22-2008, 12:34 AM
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 1
Another images
If you're interested, I have for you another photos where you can see differences between VGA and QVGA display.
Images are here (text is czech, but images ar universal): http://carnero.cc/mobility/qvga-nebo-vga/
- click on image to view full photo (about 1500x2000 px)
On macro photos are displays of FSC LOOX N560 (VGA screen, mine) and ASUS MyPal A636N (QVGA, friend's device). Both has 3.5" screen. Photos are different from the original in first post on this thread - I focus on standard text, images and icon. Not on extremely small text whis is not used by many people.
Just see, compare and make your own opinion which resolution is better. I won't use QVGA anymore.

02-22-2008, 01:06 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 71
Re: QVGA vs. VGA in Pictures
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
Hopefully as things continue to evolve we'll see more VGA screens...
Yes hopefully they do start to evolve, & pick up where they left of in 2003/2004! Thanks for the comparison!

02-22-2008, 01:25 AM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 5
Why would there have to be any discussion on this, high resolution will always result in a sharper display capable of displaying more relestate.
The bigger question should be why are companies like HTC still releasing their new flagship models with QVGA displays!

02-22-2008, 01:30 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 71
Originally Posted by shoey5
Why would there have to be any discussion on this, high resolution will always result in a sharper display capable of displaying more relestate.
The bigger question should be why are companies like HTC still releasing their new flagship models with QVGA displays!
I agree, but you should refer to the original post from several days ago for this lengthy & many different opinions...
Even though the iPHONE has a much better display, many on this website don't think it is necessary. I tried to converge from a VGA device to the Cingular 8125 & Treo 750, & couldn't do it, although the lack of VGA wasn't the only or the driving force behind me going back to 2 devices. Look at the other post, it would be good reading...

02-22-2008, 01:41 AM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 143
Originally Posted by shoey5
The bigger question should be why are companies like HTC still releasing their new flagship models with QVGA displays!
who cares! they just not getting my money then! i have bought a Eten x800, now i using Imate 6150, and soon Imate 9150, and then Sony x1!
what does these have in common? all of them have VGA!

02-22-2008, 02:46 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 71
Originally Posted by netboy
who cares! they just not getting my money then! i have bought a Eten x800, now i using Imate 6150, and soon Imate 9150, and then Sony x1!
what does these have in common? all of them have VGA!
Netboy, haven't you heard, no one wants or needs a powerful VGA device, everyone except you & I are fine with QVGA devices that lock up!

02-22-2008, 04:52 AM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 11
Originally Posted by Mikey
Netboy, haven't you heard, no one wants or needs a powerful VGA device, everyone except you & I are fine with QVGA devices that lock up!
You mean as opposed to a VGA device that locks up? Does a pretty VGA screen make lockups easier to deal with?

02-22-2008, 05:01 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 71
Originally Posted by DaveStall
Originally Posted by Mikey
Netboy, haven't you heard, no one wants or needs a powerful VGA device, everyone except you & I are fine with QVGA devices that lock up!
You mean as opposed to a VGA device that locks up? Does a pretty VGA screen make lockups easier to deal with?
The point is taken from all the previous posts in the other VGA article from a few days back. That's why I carry two devices not to mention the iPOD. I am forced to carry the x50v as the PDA & the BB Pearl as a phone / email device. BUT I do like my pretty VGA screen. I take it you are fine with QVGA or maybe black & white/greyscale?

02-22-2008, 10:35 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 21
I love those VGA screens on the pdas. Nothing like a nice VGA screen