12-15-2007, 01:00 AM
Contributing Editor
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 3,111
Google Android News Roundup

While not strictly speaking Windows Mobile news, Android is sufficiently interesting (and potentially game changing enough) to warrant some coverage here:
� First up, Engadget reports that Willcom (the Japanese carrier) have a working prototype of an Android device - nothing close to being a finished product, but getting there.
� Second, and more interesting is a developers view of Android from the Mobile Tux division of Vieka Technologies (the developers of eSQL and vBar, among others), including a run through the emulator of the available applications in the SDK that was released a couple of weeks ago. Good stuff (as far as the review goes)! On Android itself, money quote: "Android platform is evolutionary in nature. I am certainly hoping to see more revolutionary elements going forward. Because of its openness, hardware vendors could also bring on their innovation to the platform. How well the model will work remains to be seen."
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."