Never mind the amateurish delivery - this is the first clear view I've had of how the 600's navigation wheel actually works. The part on the Enterprise Mobility Suite should interest system administrators, too. As for the rest, I suggest you turn down the volume :wink: .
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."
It's interesting to see the devices despite the hokey presentation. I'm amazed on the 600, though, that they missed such an obvious opportunity. They went on about how, if the phone is lost or stolen, you can contact it from your desktop and lock it remotely. Hey guys! You've built a GPSr into the phone! How about letting me tell the phone to show me its location?! I'd much rather actually have my phone back than just make sure it's of no use to someone else.
I'll have to watch this one from home later on since I'm stuck behind the company proxy, which of course blocks youtube. Definitely interested in seeing more if the ipaq 610. I've been watching on HP 's site for it to become available.