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Old 10-02-2007, 03:30 AM
Nurhisham Hussein
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Default Tracking Your GPS Phone With WIMP

"If you have access to a Windows Mobile phone with GPS, then you can install this program in it. Then you can send SMS to this phone and in return obtain exact geographical location of this phone - also through SMS. In this way you can track location of your spouse (is she really gone shopping? is he really working late?) or just find location of your phone if it gets lost."

It was only a matter of time before somebody came up with an app like this. The software also has some anti-theft features that are really cool:

�Will send your phone's GPS coordinates via text message, allowing you to accurately track your phone's location using any common mapping application (e.g.
�If the SIM card is replaced on the phone, it will automatically send a text message informing you of the new number

More info can be obtained from the
Old 10-02-2007, 05:18 AM
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I was really into GPS when I got my Bluetooth GPS with data logging. At the time, I was using Mobile Justice and it added the ability to send GPS information. When I received my TyTN II (Kaiser) the interest went up even further. There are tons of cool uses for GPS and it has been a topic of discussion over at other forums.

Jonathan (JonnoB)
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Burke
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Old 10-02-2007, 06:26 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 114

I'd seen similar programs to this for the Nokia that didn't require GPS. You'd SMS it, and it would send back the tower code to which it's connected. Sure, it's only +/- 2 miles for accuracy, and you have to have the list of cell tower codes to know where the cell tower is, but if one were using this in, say, a cheap phone hidden in a car for anti-theft, that might be a less expensive way to get an APPROXIMATE locatoin.
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