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Old 09-05-2007, 01:11 AM
Jon Westfall
Executive Editor, Android Thoughts
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Default Forget GMail, Go HTCMail?

"HTC also today announced the launch of HTCmail, a fully hosted, secure, and managed email service based on Microsoft Hosted Exchange. HTCmail will bring the benefits of always-connected business to mobile professionals. The HTC offering provides seamless and real-time access to up to five different email accounts, either personal or work mailboxes, aggregated and instantly delivered to a mobile device through Outlook 2007. Features include email, contacts and calendar, enabling users to easily access information and communications while on the go. HTCmail is compatible with all HTC devices, and will be rolling out across selected European markets* from September 2007."

It appears that HTC wants a piece of that nice big hosted exchange pie, and who better to provide it to them (This is up for debate, but for new users, the same name as that of the device probably has inherent trust)? What I like is the "real-time access to up to five ... accounts". Sounds interesting, especially from an exchange user and admin perspective. Anyone hoping to try HTC's offering out when it's released?
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts

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Old 09-05-2007, 01:07 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 71

I'll be trying it out when they come out with a powerful device with lotsa memory & a great screen. Until something as good as my Axim x50v comes out, I can't converge!
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Old 09-05-2007, 02:42 PM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 235

Originally Posted by Mikey
I'll be trying it out when they come out with a powerful device with lotsa memory & a great screen. Until something as good as my Axim x50v comes out, I can't converge!
I am with you, Mikey. Until a great VGA device comes out to replace my x50v, I remain unconverged as well.
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Old 09-05-2007, 09:30 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 481

Originally Posted by Cab124
... I remain unconverged as well.
Wow, I had been getting the impression I was the only one.

I am seriously concerned about what to do if/when my X51v breaks/is lost/dies.
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Old 09-05-2007, 09:58 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 784

Not sure how we got on the topic of convergence, but keep this in mind - once you converge, there's no going back...come to the dark know you want to... :twisted: :lol:

Any pricing info yet on HTCMail?
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Old 09-05-2007, 10:50 PM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 102

if you want to converge, a device exists : the O2 XDA Flame.

But why going to HTCmail ? gmail is free, gmail is in dependant of the device. what you will do after 1 year with Hic Mail on an HTC denice and want to switch to another brand.

I will not put all my eggs in the same basket !
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Old 09-05-2007, 10:59 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 71

Originally Posted by thierryb
if you want to converge, a device exists : the O2 XDA Flame.

But why going to HTCmail ? gmail is free, gmail is in dependant of the device. what you will do after 1 year with Hic Mail on an HTC denice and want to switch to another brand.

I will not put all my eggs in the same basket !
I need to replace my Blackberry Pearl & the Axim x50v. I need Push email but our company has not purchased Exchange Server, therefore HTC's hosted email service sounded nice. Also, is the XDA Flame similar to the x50v? I was unaware a device existed with the 624 processor, VGA screen, & plenty of usable memory. Every device I've seen gives up at least one of these areas. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll review that device. I tried to converge to the Cingular 8125 followed by a Palm Treo 750, but both of them had huge issues for a power user. The 8125 was so slowwwwwww & the Treo's 240x240 screen, & low memory, along with the slow processor, forced me back to two devices.
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Old 09-05-2007, 11:05 PM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 71

Originally Posted by thierryb
if you want to converge, a device exists : the O2 XDA Flame.

But why going to HTCmail ? gmail is free, gmail is in dependant of the device. what you will do after 1 year with Hic Mail on an HTC denice and want to switch to another brand.

I will not put all my eggs in the same basket !
Where do you get the O2 XDA Flame in the US? That device was announced nearly a year ago on this website on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 by Darius Wey. If it's still unavailable, it reminds me too much of the iMATE Ultimate line that was announced about that same time & still has yet to produce a device. These types of devices that never seem to come out remind me of the much anticipated Motorola MPx several years ago... All Blue Sky... Maybe the new Glowfish 800?
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Old 09-05-2007, 11:17 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 29

Where do you get the O2 XDA Flame in the US? That device was announced nearly a year ago on this website on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 by Darius Wey. If it's still unavailable, it reminds me too much of the iMATE Ultimate line that was announced about that same time & still has yet to produce a device. These types of devices that never seem to come out remind me of the much anticipated Motorola MPx several years ago... All Blue Sky... Maybe the new Glowfish 800?[/quote]

I got mine from eBay; it has been released a few months ago.

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Old 09-05-2007, 11:41 PM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 235

Originally Posted by PPCRules
Originally Posted by Cab124
... I remain unconverged as well.
Wow, I had been getting the impression I was the only one.

I am seriously concerned about what to do if/when my X51v breaks/is lost/dies.
Yes, I am worried about that as well. If my 3-year-old x50v were to die tomorrow, I have no idea what device I would replace it with. I keep a close watch for a new killer device, but it just isn't happening. I would love to finally move to a single device, but it is so hard to imagine going back to 320x240. I would probably be forced to buy a used x50v on eBay. The thought of this is baffling to me, considering how many new devices there are.

The other thing that kinda has me a little down lately is the fact that I am losing my enthusiasm for Microsoft. Maybe it was just me, but I really used to love using MS software and couldn't wait for each new revision of Windows or Windows Mobile. Now, however, after so many disappointing releases, that excitement is pretty much gone. WM doesn't seem much different than it was 5 years ago, and Windows Vista is a yawner as well. On the desktop, Apple is looking better and better all the time. But I hate to consider alternatives to WM because I have spent so much money on WM software.

I guess that was way off topic. sorry!
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