"As expected, today during its IFA press conference, LG officially unveiled the LG KS20, LG's brand now Prada look-alike Windows Mobile 6 Professional HSDPA smartphone with a large color touchscreen. It features full internet browsing capabilities and downloads everything from music and video clips to push E-Mail at speed of 3.6 Mbps through HSDPA. The KS20 supports triband (900/1800/1900 MHz) GSM/GPRS/EDGE as well as singleband UMTS and HSDPA up to 3.6 Mbps. Furthermore it supports Bluetooth 2.0 but WiFi support is left. The QVGA display measures 2.8" and supports the Windows Mobile typical 65k colors only."
In his post, Arne Hess also says the phone supports videoconferencing with the phone's dual 2 MB cameras. Unfortunately, it appears that wifi will not be universal, perhaps vendor-specific. Vodafone will not offer it with wifi, though the screenshot above shows it enabled. The phone looks nice and sleek, but having a wifi option would be important if I were replacing my PDA.
Vincent Nguyen from Slashphone offers a short video of the KS20 in action from IFA 2007...
More specs are available from Phonearena.com. Look for the KS20 to show up in the 4th Quarter 2007 in Europe market first, probably around October.
I travel quite often to Korea. Most cars and consumer related items in Korea from food,products to people are Korean only. They pretty much refuse to bu any non-korean item in their country. Their cars and almost every single item you can think of is Korean. Until they start buying some of our products I refuse to buy their products no matter how good they are. I travel often in Aisa and have lived in Taiwan for 15 years now. The Koreans always want you to buy their product. Take your product to Korea and see if you can get the Koreans to buy your product instead of theirs :roll: This is not only for products but for humans as well. They have a red light district in Seoul and the only patrons that can get served are locals. If you are non-Korean then you can for get about it.