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Old 07-16-2007, 07:50 PM
Jon Westfall
Executive Editor, Android Thoughts
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Default Filter Your Exchange Email Before It Reaches Your Device!

"We all know the problem: e-mail you don't need or never want is still sent to you, and it ends up on the place where it takes the most effort to ignore or remove it: your mobile inbox. This could make mobile e-mail even counterproductive. It isn't just SPAM, it can be anything. It comes from friends and colleagues too. It can be the invitation to yet another party, people fighting over something using e-mail as a medium (and you in the CC), invitations to eat cake to celebrate something, a complaint about workplace tidyness or someone reporting that a car has its lights on in the parkinglot. It is completely nonsense, especially since you will probably be out of the office anyway. But it will still trigger an alarm you will respond to. It is noise in your daily routine. It makes you less effective and it should go."

Jaap Van Ekris over at Modern Nomads sent us a note about the new tutorial / wiki page they have up regarding server-side filtering. I have several filters setup in Outlook (and a few on my exchange server for the rest of my users) and have to say that they do make life a lot easier for all involved. Cut down on the amount of junk reaching your mobile device by creating some filters today!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts

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Old 07-17-2007, 02:06 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 83

i have what seems to be a simpler, yet still very effective solution.

Step 1) Get gmail account
Step 2) Get account with an Exchange host
Step 3) Forward gmail to Exchange account
Step 4) Set up messaging on WM to use exchange host, but with gmail address as the email address.
Step 5) Very little spam.

the only downside is that mail i send from my hermes isn't stored on gmail with the rest of the conversation, unless of course the recipient replies again.

i realize it may not work for everyone, but i dig it.
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Old 07-17-2007, 10:38 AM
phreaker18's Avatar
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Posts: 146

dave how do u Set up messaging on WM to use exchange host, but with gmail address as the email address.... i just couldnt make that happen... maybe coz im using a free exchange service ... is that the reason?
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Old 07-18-2007, 11:53 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 83

i would guess that the fact that you are using a free hosting service is limiting you from changing the email address on the account. before i chose a host and set mine up, i did a little research. it seemed that most people were using mail2web, and their free service did prevent you from changing the name on the account. IIRC, they had a service fro US$2.99 per month that allowed you to change it.

i chose to go with 1and1 for a couple of reasons. first, the reviews on both the service and support were good, the price wasn't too bad at $6.99 a month, and the package also includes DNS Setting management for one domain. I still use my domain address for my mail, but i wanted to mess around with Google Apps For Your Domain, as well as forwarding a Blogger account to a custom URL.

So far, I have to say I've been very happy. It's nice to not have to use ActiveSync for much of anything. In fact, if i could put the ROM-flashing pipe down, I wouldn't even leave it installed on my computer.

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