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Old 06-25-2007, 03:14 AM
Jon Westfall
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Default Do You Fall Out Of Sync Regularly?

"Windows Mobile similarly requires ActiveSync to be running, and is a huge headache to support when synching with Exchange. Windows Mobile phones fall out of sync with Exchange regularly, forcing a full deletion of the user's calendar and email and a resync." recently published an extensive write-up arguing that the iPhone isn't as bad as some have played it to be. While reading, I found the above passage and wondered how accurate it was. The worst I've ever had to do when I "fall out of sync" was a soft reset. I believe I may have done a hard reset at 1 point in the past 5 years on a Windows Mobile machine to clear up a sync problem - and since I've owned probably 3 - 4 times as many windows mobile machines as the average joe (and used them simultaneously), I think that's pretty good. I've also experienced pretty minimal problems as an Exchange Administrator when it comes to Exchange Activesync (I wish desktop AS was just as nice...). So is this accurate? Or might the article charging many outlets with "hating apple" quite possibly be making blanket anti-Microsoft remarks?
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
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Old 06-25-2007, 03:29 AM
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I have been using OTA Exchange syncing for about a year now with two devices at once with a total of three and must say I have not any trouble with it. One device is my iPAQ hx4705, the other two were my phones a i-mate JAMin and my current Cingular branded 8525, which also had been replaced under warrenty. I would have to say I have been 100% satisfied with how it's been working and am not planning to change any time soon.
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Old 06-25-2007, 03:32 AM
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That's totally ridiculous! In my experience, from my Jornada 568, which I still sync (plus 2 Dells, a HP travel companion, a Cingular 8125, 2 HP4155s, and an iPAQ 3950 - oh, almost forgot the Toshiba e805) through my multiple other Pocket PCs, I have never once "fallen out of sync" and had to redo all my PIM stuff. I've had my share of soft resets, even a hard reset or two, and had to resync then, but never in recent memory. I think it's definitely Microsoft bashing. The funny thing is that I've been battling my Mac iBook this entire day today. It's been crashing and stalling and making me force quit this and that application. If it were easier to sync it with my Pocket PCs, I probably wouldn't have a windows machine. Instead, I'm considering getting rid of the Mac and just keeping the PC. I feel like doing some apple bashing. As for the iPhone, I am not lining up for that!
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Old 06-25-2007, 04:06 AM
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I'm definitely unimpressed with Visat's new model, but OTA Exchange is rock solid, and saved my bacon as I've had to upgrade to a Vista notebook. Good Old Blackjack stayed synched throughtout.

But I STILL don't understand why the refuse to support Notes.
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Old 06-25-2007, 04:43 AM
Kris Kumar
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I have never had ANY problem with Exchange ActiveSync; never had to re-sync. I don't even know what the heck it is.

The was a very funny read. :lol: The author obviously has no idea of corporate data security. I like open standards, but that doesn't mean opening up the data to everyone. article is exactly what the Web site name says "Roughly Drafted!"

I had a lot of respect for Steve and his iPhone, but the secret 12th app killed that respect. YouTube is the killer app for this Edge device?! :? iPhone is exactly what Apple is saying - the best iPod ever designed.
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Old 06-25-2007, 04:59 AM
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Default It's true

Oh that statement is absolutely true. At least it's the case on my Treo using Versamail. Occasionally there will be a message that there was a failure in syncing the device and that Versamail needs to delete all the Email, Calendar events, and contacts and re-sync them. It really is no biggie. It takes less than two minutes and I have a lot of contacts and events to sync.

I have never had it happen on a WM phone but I've only had one and it was the 8125 (worse device ever made - slow and cumbersome - sold it with a quickness)

Anyway, it is true of some devices that use Exchange Activesync.
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Old 06-25-2007, 05:19 AM
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Default Re: Do You Fall Out Of Sync Regularly?

Originally Posted by Jon Westfall
"Windows Mobile similarly requires ActiveSync to be running, and is a huge headache to support when synching with Exchange. Windows Mobile phones fall out of sync with Exchange regularly, forcing a full deletion of the user's calendar and email and a resync."
In my understanding, after such a pearl, they should change the name of the site from RoughlyDrafted to RoughlyResearched.

I agree that there are some problems (or even many) with cable sync, but my experience with Exchange sync includes 4 devices connected to 3 different accounts (2 connected to the same account) syncing for 1.5 years without a single problem.

Originally Posted by Drock
Oh that statement is absolutely true. At least it's the case on my Treo using Versamail.
A Treo is not exactly a Windows Mobile Device (at least not the ones using Versamail) and Versamail is not exactly Activesync, even if part of the code is ported from Activesync.

The same happens with Mail for Exchange in the Nokias. However, if you spend 50 dollars and purchase Roadsync from Dataviz, either for th Nokia or the Palm, you will have rockin' problem-free sync for both devices. They just invested more in the development since they wanted to make money out of it.
Helio Diamant
Editor - The Hebrew Mobile and Wireless Website
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Old 06-25-2007, 05:26 AM
5000+ Posts? I Should OWN This Site!
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Fall out of sync? :confused totally: I have yet to experience that, and I've been using these things for six years. This is the first I've even heard of WM devices falling out of sync.
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Old 06-25-2007, 09:47 AM
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This is just utter #$^$%#^&%. I have been using Exchange synchronisation for about four years. Sometimes I have up to five different devices synchronising to the same account - currently I have an i-mate Pocket PC, Treo 700wx and Treo 750v and NEVER had to do anything to resync.

This person doesn't know what he's talking about.
Mauricio Freitas
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Old 06-25-2007, 10:17 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Hi! I hab this problem only once on my WM5 Xda Cosmo (similar HTC s620/T-Mobile Dash). Never had it with my WM6 XDA Trion (HTC Tytn/Hermes) Maybe this is a bigger problem with 3rd party exchange sync software like Roadsync on a symbian phone? Anybody got experience with that? I am thinking of maybe switching to a Nokia N95 but if it has this problem i will reconsider.

Greetings from Germany!

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