04-04-2007, 05:00 AM
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There is sure to be something in this article that will bring a smile to your face, and something else that will make you choke on your coffee and gasp "What where they thinking when they includes that on the list?!?!" :lol:
What do you like on the list, and what do you dislike, or perhaps more importantly, what is missing? I was a little disheartened to see the iPAQ 3600 series left out, as that was the first PDA that had it all - speed, color and insane expandability, the PDA that bought mobile computing one step closer to a viable working experience when away from the desktop.
04-04-2007, 01:38 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 455
I think the thing I liked most about the list was that there were only 2 things on it that I didn't recognize!
Nothing to make me spit out my coffee, but a few that brought a smile to my face. Personally, though, I might have included USB hardware in that list.
Steven Lyle Jordan: Original SF so good, Fox would never put in on the air.
04-04-2007, 06:50 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 541
This kind of lists are allways biased, but I have to say that I agree with most of the choiches.
Although I guess first iPaq and maybe even Nevton would deserve the spot, and I guess stuff like MS Word 6, original IBM PC, Aston Tate's dBase, Borland's Turbo Pascal, first Invaders, Sinclair's ZX Spectrum, floppy drive and hard drive... could also make the list
Also a minor comment, if I remember well the Voodoo2 was the chip/card that made 3D acceleration on PC mainstream, the Voodoo3 mentioned in the article was the one that killed the 3dfx...