02-28-2007, 07:00 AM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
Treo 750 Reviewed... Twice!

Both Chris at Mobility Site and Pavel at PDAgold.com have just reviewed the Treo 750 (the Cingular and Vodafone varieties). Carriers aside, the hardware is much the same, so if you plan on picking one up, be sure to check out both reviews to see what they have to say.

02-28-2007, 04:39 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 327
I have now been using the Treo 750 for nearly a month, and do not want to go back to using any other PDA or Phone device. It is nearly perfect for my needs. It is, by far, the most stable Pocket PC phone I have ever used (though the Wizard was also stable), and it is so user friendly with one hand I almost never have to use the sylus (especially with SPB Mobile Shell installed). Even though my 8525 has a faster processor, the Treo 750 feels faster. It ALMOST never hangs or freezes, and it just takes less steps to do things on it. Taking a picture and sending it with my 8525 was an excercise in frustration. With the Treo 750, it is a wonderful and quick one-handed experience that just works. Threaded SMS and MMS is fantastic, and the ease with which I can place calls is really thought through. One thing that I LOVE is the call log which comes up when you press the talk button. If you call your friend Bob at home and he does not answer, and then decide to try him on his mobile, you would have to look him up in contacts or start putting his name into the smart dialer on other Pocket PC phones. On the Treo 750, you just tap the green talk button when in the today screen, go to his name in the call log (which will be at the top if you just called him, and already selected), and a tap of the DPad right will list all his numbers, which you can then select. This is MUCH faster in practice than on any other Pocket PC phone I have ever used. Speed dial is also great, with the ability to designate a number or letter on the keypad, as well as buttons and pictures on the today plugin (which tucks away nicely in SPB mobile shell). All in all, I am glad that Palm had a hand in creating this device. The classic user friendliness of the Palm really comes through on this, without sacrificing the power of Pocket PC devices.
Now if only someone could work on Vista....

03-01-2007, 02:24 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 70
I would echo everything you said about my recent move from a 6700 to a Treo 700wx. I was ready to give up on Windows Mobile until I tried the 700wx. The increased stability and usability cannot be understated.