02-23-2007, 08:34 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Upcoming Subscriber Contest
It's been far too long since our last subscriber contest, and I want to make sure that all subscribers feel that they're getting a lot of value out of their subscription. A few people have emailed me lately to ask where the subriber contests are, and it's a very valid question: the truth is, I haven't done any in a while because they're quite a bit of effort. No more excuses though, it's time to get started! Unlike last time, I'm not going to tell you what prizes are in the drawing - it will be a surprise! Some prizes will be small, some will be big - I'll do my best to get some good stuff for you. ;-)
If you're a paying subscriber, you're automatically in the list of potential winners. If you are not a subscriber, and you'd like to enter the drawing to win a prize, please send a postcard from your home town (something with a picture would be nice!) to me:
Jason Dunn 45 Tuscany Springs Circle NW Calgary, Alberta Canada T3L 2R8
On this postcard, be sure to mention it's for the Pocket PC Thoughts contest, along with your Pocket PC Thoughts forum username and a valid return email address, and the answer to this mathematical equation: 4 + 81 * (20 / 4). Entries missing any of the above information will be excluded from the drawing, although I'll keep your postcard if it looks nice and hang it on my wall. ;-) Why the math question? In order to not run afoul of Canadian lottery law, I have to give everyone a chance to enter, but by having a skill-testing question it becomes a test of skill and not just luck. Crazy, I know, but that's the way the world works when it's run by lawyers.
I'll begin the contest drawings on Monday the 19th of March - that will give everyone several weeks to get their postcards submitted. I expect the contest to run over the course of a couple months, with one giveaway a week planned. Maybe now is a good time to subscribe?.