"VITO VoiceReminder is a talking alarm-clock and a voice reminder for your Pocket PC that helps you remember all the important events in your life: from business meetings to kids� school festivities. Create as many voice reminders as you need and relax: VITO VoiceReminder will keep you on track telling you the exact time and playing your voice memos exactly at scheduled time."
In our technologically-driven world of ever-increasing automation, VITO Technology looks to take the hassle out of having to examine your device everytime you hear the standard reminder chime go off. Free trial is available and the product can be registered via our online store here for $19.95. Anyone manage to try this? Give us your thoughts.
In what is it so superior to the builtin calender that keeps notes and sound alarms? Or superior to other PIM application that many people use instead of the builtin ones?
For only a little bit more I can get much much more from PocketInformant or Agenda Fusion or a competing product. Since I have one of them, why should I get this one?