01-17-2007, 03:30 PM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
Socket Communications to Rollout Mobile Computing Devices
"Socket Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCKT), an innovative provider of mobile productivity products, today announced strategic plans to expand into the systems business by introducing a line of handheld mobile computer products specifically designed to meet the business needs of mobile workers involved in small-to-medium scale deployments. Socket is leveraging more than 10 years of technical expertise in the mobile computing market to meet demand for a robust, dependable platform for data collection and reliable business communication."
Socket Communications, a leader in the mobile peripherals industry, is preparing to roll out a wave of mobile devices with the first expected as early as the second quarter of 2007. The company will use the next few months to provide detailed information on design, specifications, and availability. We'll keep our eyes and ears open and keep you posted.
01-19-2007, 08:41 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 305
Interesting and a very necessary development imo.
I have followed ( and have been invested in ) Socket Communications for the last 7 years. The companys fortunes, but mostly misfortunes, ( house of pain! :cry: ) have been directly tied to the diminishing PocketPC market over that same time period.
Delayed PocketPC device rollouts and compatibility glitches have been like the plague and have caused many a headache for the company, device users and investors alike. :frusty:
With HP & Palm moving almost exclusively to converged voice-centric handhelds, and Dell, well nobody except insiders really know what route Dell will take w/ the Axim, Socket's move to become not only a peripheral solutions provider but now about to enter the mobile computer end of the market not only makes one heckuva lot of sense, but may be more of a means to the companies overall survival! JMO. :wink:
Can't add much more except the devices will run on the Windows Mobile platform and sport SD ( IO ) and or CF slots to utilize Socket's perepheral offerings in what hopefully will give the end-users a totally compatible and seamless mode of operational functionalities.
The management of Socket held a conference call 1/16 on this event and have released a PDF format transcript of that call if it is of interest to anyone...
01-31-2007, 03:44 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 305
Socket Mobile, Inc.
Socket Communications henceforth will be named Socket Mobile, Inc.
The name change reflects Socket's recently announced strategic plans to expand into the systems business by introducing a line of handheld mobile computer products. Socket Communications, Inc. will remain the Company's legal entity name.
The new Socket Mobile Handheld Teaser Website...
02-01-2007, 09:54 AM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
Re: Socket Mobile, Inc.
Originally Posted by Stik
Socket Communications henceforth will be named Socket Mobile, Inc.
Nice catch, Stik. I'll post on it shortly.