01-09-2007, 07:00 PM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
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OQO model 02 Unveiled
"Bill Gates today showcased OQO�s next generation ultra-mobile PC, the model 02, in his keynote address at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Weighing a mere one pound and small enough to fit in a pocket, the model 02 is the world�s smallest Windows Vista capable computer. The model 02 is up to four times faster and has a display more than six times brighter than its groundbreaking predecessor, the model 01+. Redesigned from the ground up, the model 02 features a new ergonomic backlit keyboard and capacitive TouchScrollers� for easy input and navigation. The model 02 incorporates complete wireless connectivity � including EV-DO Wireless WAN, WiFi, and Bluetooth � ensuring the user has high speed and uncompromised access to the internet, email, and networked applications."

Time flies, eh? The next version of OQO's ultra-mobile PC has been announced and it's not a bad bit of booty with a 1.5GHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 60GB HDD, a 5" 800 x 480 display, 802.11a/b/g Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR, EV-DO (optional), and your standard set of I/O ports. And for the icing on the cake, it's Windows Vista-ready, though don't expect it to score highly on the Windows Experience Index. Any of you interested in picking one up?

01-09-2007, 09:05 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 116
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeck Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah!
I I'm overly enthused about this product. It seems to be the answer to most of my prayers. I've been watching this item for some time now contemplating on whether or not I should get it, but new version 2 is so awsome how could I not get it. As cought-up in the moment as I may be right now I do find some things that may deter me from getting one.
The OQO does not have voice capability eventhough it has access to the sprint network. Now that would force me to do one of two things. One choice would be to utilize the fast Sprint EVDO connection in combination with a VOIP service like Skype which would allow me to make phone calls. Or carry around a phone with me - which would be a WM5 device of course. But carring two windows powred devices might produce some unwanted redundancy.
None-the-less this is the best UMPC type device on the market right now and I am definately tempted to get this. But I'll give the HTC Omni a little while longer to rear it's ugly head (if it has one) before I go do something drastic purchasing the OQO.
The Omni seems like the most promising device on the horizon right now.

01-09-2007, 09:55 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,079
Re: OQO model 02 Unveiled
Originally Posted by Darius Wey
Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:00 am Post subject: OQO model 02 Unveiled
Source: OQO Press Release
I sent you guys this news TWO days ago 8O using the proper channel.

01-09-2007, 10:51 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,079
Re: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeck Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah!
Originally Posted by Frankie1
.... But I'll give the HTC Omni a little while longer to rear it's ugly head (if it has one) before I go do something drastic purchasing the OQO.
The Omni seems like the most promising device on the horizon right now.
Unfortunately "Omni was on an internal HTC paper... exists only as a thought and would have been released Q1 2007. It does not exist and it has been abandoned as a device. So no Omni. Instead we will see HTC Athena which from the initial specs I heard, will kick some serious ass."
Link (2nd post).

01-10-2007, 06:14 AM
Editorial Contributor
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 5,411
Hmm, while this certainly is Ultra-Mobile, and a PC to boot, I bet it doesn't come close to that under $1000 benchmark thrown around when Origami morphed into UMPC. Not that I'm a great Sony fan, but I think their UX series is better looking, and not far from having similar specs. Those will heat up your credit card too.
Sometimes you are the anteater, sometimes you are the ant.

01-10-2007, 06:20 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,079
Originally Posted by Sven
Not that I'm a great Sony fan, but I think their UX series is better looking, and not far from having similar specs...
two words: not pocketable.
For many a deal breaker...

01-10-2007, 06:44 AM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
Re: OQO model 02 Unveiled
Originally Posted by jlp
I sent you guys this news TWO days ago 8O using the proper channel.
We got word of this before your news submission arrived. The news post was delayed as we've chosen to space the CES announcements apart. Sorry.

01-10-2007, 08:22 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,041
Funny, my tabletkiosk is 500MHz slower, but has the same stats and has been out for several months. At $1400, not too bad.

01-10-2007, 09:03 AM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 554
Originally Posted by Sven
Hmm, while this certainly is Ultra-Mobile, and a PC to boot, I bet it doesn't come close to that under $1000 benchmark thrown around when Origami morphed into UMPC. Not that I'm a great Sony fan, but I think their UX series is better looking, and not far from having similar specs. Those will heat up your credit card too.
You can see pricing here: http://www.oqo.com/store/shop.cgi/op/op_itemdetail.html