11-22-2006, 11:00 PM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Pocket PC Security Survey
A student from San Diego State University wrote in with news of a survey his team is conducting. They are looking for your support.
My name is Jason and I am one person of a 4 person group at San Diego State University. In one of our classes, we have to write a report on Pocket PC Security. As part of our report, we have to collect primary data through use of a survey.<br /><br />We are curious to know about your Pockets PC habits and if you use any form of security software and/or hardware for your mobile devices. We will gladly share our results with you; please leave your e-mail if you are interested in a report summary of the survey results. By completing this survey, you will greatly help us in finishing this report and helping us graduate; it will only take 5 minutes of your time.
<br /><br />If you've got a few minutes and want to help them out, hit the link above and fill out the survey.
11-22-2006, 11:50 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 533
Being that I'm a San Diego State Alumni (1995), and have been an avid Pocket PC users for many years now, I figured I should help them out, so I've already completed their survey. If they are watching this thead, perhaps they could post their report / results with PPC Thoughts sometime in the future?
11-23-2006, 02:16 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 468
I'm also an SDSU grad (1990) and filled out the survey (I've been a Pocket PC and PDA user for many, many years now.)
Jason, if you see them, tell Dr. Addo or either Dr. Easton ("He-ston" or "She-ston") that I said hello.
11-23-2006, 02:31 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 171
I'll be filling it out too since I'm also an alum! Please send fish tacos!!!
11-23-2006, 03:55 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 498
I filled it out, although I was surprised there was no mention of encryption as a security measure. I use "wallet" programs to store the sensitive information (passwords, network configurations, etc.) in addition to access control, and I would think that offers at least a fair amount of additional protection. This survey seemed to focus just on the initial authentication to device access. Making it hard/impossible to access the information once you have access to the device is another level of protection. (I've always favored a multi-tiered approach to anything security-wise.)
11-23-2006, 12:12 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 43
I also studied in the SDSU as an exchange student
The world sometimes seems a small place
I filled the survey and also mentionned in the "others" field my use of an encryption program (Flexwallet).
I just need to protect sensitive data ; setting up a password to protect the whole device is not worth the hassles.
11-24-2006, 06:32 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 621
It took me 8 terms to finish my thesis [standard for our university is 2 terms] so I will gladly answer any survey to help!
WM has a built in Lock system I use it when I leave my device for extended periods of time on my desk. I set it to lock after 15 or 30 mins, if I leave it at 0 I would have to type in the code every time I power it up from standby and that is a waste of time. I have some data encrypted using Resco Explorer but that's it.
11-24-2006, 10:06 AM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 48
Hello Everyone,
Thanks for the tremendous help with our Survey. We will be giving a final presentation on December 5th (it will be video taped. Maybe I can get that posted as well). We will have the data for you guys. I will also see if it is possible to put up our report. We are writing is as if we were a consultant team hired by a security software company to find out what consumers want for their devices. I think we chose some random security company we googled and will write as if they hired us.
While the report will is based on a fictitious situation, the data found in the survey and possible the report could be useful.
As for excluding some types of security, I am the only Pocket Pc user in the group and sometimes I got outvoted about certain things (as well as outvoted for including somethings). I know there are plenty of great encryption programs out there. Sorry for overlooking that.
Feel free to PM me or find my email in my profile and drop a line if you have any questions. Again, we have 235 responses as right now and maybe getting suck great survey feedback can help dig me out of the hole I am in for this class
11-28-2006, 08:20 AM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 48
Originally Posted by Perry Reed
I'm also an SDSU grad (1990) and filled out the survey (I've been a Pocket PC and PDA user for many, many years now.)
Jason, if you see them, tell Dr. Addo or either Dr. Easton ("He-ston" or "She-ston") that I said hello.
I have not had D. Easton for a class yet. I have had Dr. Addo. He was a good teacher- I'd like him a lot. He taught me basic visual basic.
11-28-2006, 01:55 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 468
Originally Posted by shaxs
Originally Posted by Perry Reed
I'm also an SDSU grad (1990) and filled out the survey (I've been a Pocket PC and PDA user for many, many years now.)
Jason, if you see them, tell Dr. Addo or either Dr. Easton ("He-ston" or "She-ston") that I said hello.
I have not had D. Easton for a class yet. I have had Dr. Addo. He was a good teacher- I'd like him a lot. He taught me basic visual basic.
Now I'm feeling very old! Dr. Addo taught me COBOL and he also helped me get my first job when I graduated at HP. He was a very good professor.