11-09-2006, 03:00 PM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
CalliGrapher 8.4 Released
"We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CalliGrapher 8.4, the new version of the advanced handwriting recognition software for Windows Mobile based devices. Last month CalliGrapher was named the best handwriting recognition software for Microsoft Windows Mobile based Pocket PCs by industry experts for the fifth consecutive year. CalliGrapher analyzes pen strokes written in any application window or in the designated Write Pad area, then converts those pen strokes into text and sends the recognized text to the target application."

CalliGrapher 8.4 includes a new digital ink filter, Today screen setting, and static word segmentation option. If you own an earlier version of CalliGrapher 8, then this is a free upgrade. Yet to try or buy? Head over to our affiliate software store.

11-09-2006, 04:42 PM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 3,060
I've installed v8.4 as an upgrade to v8.3 and everything seemed to work fine. It hasn't asked me for my registration code (yet) and it's mostly working as before. It did seem to "forget" my toolbar settings, but that's pretty easy to fix. All the other configurations seem to have survived intact.
As you may know, I've always loved Calligrapher, and have been using it for, what, nearly five years. It takes some time to get it tweaked to work the best with your own quirkly handwriting, but it works like a charm. If you haven't tried it, give it a test.
Old Market Researchers never die...they just get broken down by age and sex.

11-09-2006, 08:50 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 67
After I discovered TenGO (T9 for PPC with only 6 keys involved intead of cellphone's usual 9), I don't go back to any handwriting recognition system. I own both TenGO and Calligrapher 8.x, but TenGO is just the way to go in terms of ease of use and speed. My review here:
PDAs: x50v, rx3115, PalmV, TH-55, SL-5500, T-615C (previously owned: Axim X5-Adv, h2210, e800).
Phones: QTek 9100, W810i, M600i, E61, A780, 6288, SLVR L7, U8500, KG800, ROKR E2, D840, K300i, 3300, K700i, i-Mate, T310, (previously owned E680i, E398, MOT M1000).

11-10-2006, 04:47 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 176
I've tried Tengo, but for me, it makes too many mistakes. Calligrapher makes it's fair share too. But there have been times when I'm entering text using tengo and one error folds onto another onto another.. Before I know it it's altered 3 or for words that were formerly spelled correctly.

11-10-2006, 05:16 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 307
Originally Posted by PocketPC Addict
I've tried Tengo, but for me, it makes too many mistakes. Calligrapher makes it's fair share too. But there have been times when I'm entering text using tengo and one error folds onto another onto another.. Before I know it it's altered 3 or for words that were formerly spelled correctly.
well each to his own.
calligrapher to me is a program that always disappoints in real usage terms. might be my bad handwriting. i always install, and the uninstall. you would think, by version 8.x they would have developed some kind of ai for the program and some kind of learning, but it has the same old letter selection option year after year (which phatware warns you not to use, and is correct in that.) for the memory usage and resource usage this program has, i want something a little better. not that they have much competition, penreader? nonscriptive and good luck if it doesn't hard reset your device.
hmmm....624 mhz, 10 years later, much more memory, and this program is not appreciably better than the recognition on my newton!

11-10-2006, 10:55 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 22
Originally Posted by PocketPC Addict
I've tried Tengo, but for me, it makes too many mistakes. Calligrapher makes it's fair share too. But there have been times when I'm entering text using tengo and one error folds onto another onto another.. Before I know it it's altered 3 or for words that were formerly spelled correctly.
That happens sometimes with me too. I have a WM5 iPaq hx2415, and sometimes, when I type with Tengo it overlaps. Strangely enough it usually happens when I use Phatnotes. Switching to a different SIP and back solves it for me. But really, I can't use the PDA without Tengo. I just did the Tengo Challenge and currently, I am 4th at 69.01wpm :mrgreen:

11-10-2006, 04:57 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 307
Originally Posted by jaytee
Originally Posted by PocketPC Addict
I've tried Tengo, but for me, it makes too many mistakes. Calligrapher makes it's fair share too. But there have been times when I'm entering text using tengo and one error folds onto another onto another.. Before I know it it's altered 3 or for words that were formerly spelled correctly.
That happens sometimes with me too. I have a WM5 iPaq hx2415, and sometimes, when I type with Tengo it overlaps. Strangely enough it usually happens when I use Phatnotes. Switching to a different SIP and back solves it for me. But really, I can't use the PDA without Tengo. I just did the Tengo Challenge and currently, I am 4th at 69.01wpm :mrgreen:
Jaytee, do you have any tricks you can share with us, being a champ and all? I find it fast, but not that fast. I wonder if there are some techniques you've learned.

11-11-2006, 12:38 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 22
There really isn't any tricks, at least to me there isn't. Basically, to type fast you have to tap fast. Memorize the phrase, know the letters of the words, and know where you're tapping. Memorizing isn't hard if you keep doing it even if you make mistakes. The Tengo girls said to practice the first sentence, then the second one once you're comfortable. But for me I find typing straight is better, since pauses can throw you off.
If you want to just clear the 50wpm range, you don't have to tap frantically at all. I tapped moderately non-stop with no mistakes and achieved 53.06wpm at 39.12 seconds. But speed that up, then it gets crazier. Really though, it just takes practice Make sure the option to reorder two letter words is checked too. What I did to reach 69:
-Memorize the phrase while practicing
-After being comfortable with the phrase, I did the challenge.
-I repeatedly failed at times, also at times reaching 50+wpm 3 times, 60+wpm 4 times for almost 3 hours straight :lol:
Currently I'm trying to reach 70+, but I hope everyone can have a chance to submit their records and help make this challenge successful. Good luck!

12-13-2006, 10:38 PM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 289
I'm contemplating putting Calligrapher on my Qtek 9100. I'm concernced that the slower processor will limit it's usefulness. Can anyone comment on their experience of putting Calligrapher on a slower device?