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Old 10-30-2006, 03:00 PM
Darius Wey
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
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Default Experience Mobility Reviews the iGo Stowaway Sierra

"For me, the introduction of the iGo Stowaway Sierra Bluetooth Keyboard could not have come at a more appropriate time. Recently I acquired my first tablet, a Motion LS800. It is truly a device that has changed how I Experience Mobility. And yes, I know that a tablet is meant to be used without a keyboard. And yes, I know that there are those that might say that it is blasphemy to even want to use a keyboard�after all, that is why you have the TIP (Text Input Panel) but frankly, the longer the article I write, the worse my handwriting becomes ... sometimes it is even illegible to me! So how can I expect the TIP to translate what I can�t read? A keyboard is a needed accessory for me if I want fast and efficient text entry."

Fellow MVP, Jack Cook, has just posted a detailed review of the new iGo Stowaway Sierra Bluetooth keyboard. In short, it's a top accessory with huge support for a wide range of devices, and one that's worthy of a place on your geek wishlist. Head over to Experience Mobility and give the review a read.
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Old 10-31-2006, 08:58 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 810

It's great they have a new keyboard for those who absolutely wanted a dedicated number row, but personally, I prefer the smaller Stowaway - it's smaller, lighter, and better looking, IMO.

When it's opened, this new keyboard doesn't have a very finished look. It has that "prototype" look to it. I don't like all that dead space around the keys and all the "junk" above the number row. However, if they designed it with a finished look like the smaller keyboard, then it would be much, much better and would generate more buyers despite the added size and weight. And the chrome outer exterior (aka fingerprint-magnet) has got to go.
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