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Old 10-27-2006, 09:00 PM
Ekkie Tepsupornchai
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,386
Default Astronomy Software Tachyon for Pocket PC Released

"You are invited to reach the deep mysterious universe using your small Pocket device... We have not only Catalogs, beautiful images and an awesome bunch of data and functions... We've made available to you some of the best drawings, charts and info from some of the most dedicated and competent amateur astronomers. Now you can control your skies with elegance and precision."

Are there any budding astronomers out there within our Pocket PC community? This is a very unique application that does a fine job with VGA screens if you have one. Tachyon can be purchased for the price of $39.95 (trial download is available via their site as well).
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Old 10-27-2006, 11:54 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 76

I tried a few betas of this and apart from the ability to work in VGA (which fewer and fewer devices offer these days) I have difficulty understanding what this offers that Taiyoukei (which is freeware) does not?

Tachyon's interface is clunky, to the point of almost being unusable in "planetarium" mode. And $40 bucks is a heck of a top shelf price.

For my money, or not, the best sky viewing software out there is a bit of freeware made by a Japanese developer, pStarE. (OK, it's postcardware, but still...)

It was originally designed for the BE-500 (BE-300) but he ported to PPC 2002 along with an English translation and it works amazingly in VGA. He hasn't done any further development on it since (unfortunately) but it really is worth a look if you are considering plunking down $40 for a sky viewing app.

You can find the program here. The page is in English and the app works fine on WM2003. I haven't tested it on WM5.
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Old 10-28-2006, 04:01 AM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 41
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Is it just me or does anyone see the ghost-like figures in that screenshot too?
eSoft Interactive (Home of the think and tap games!)
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Old 10-28-2006, 10:23 AM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 5

Hi guys,

I believe that kamikun is joking. I am the software developer of Tachyon. I can assure you that is much, much more powerful than Taiyoukei or any other PDA Astronomy software.

You can control telescopes wirelesssly, have access of DSS and SDSS images, GSC catalogs to 15th mag, Calculates ephemeides of Asteroids and Comets with Trails, plan observations, Hipparcos spectral classes colored stars and much more

Yes. It is not a simple software. If you want only to identify constellations in the sky or is a layman, then its better to go to PocketStars. If you are amateur astronomer there is no option

Sorry kamikun but you are joking ))
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Old 10-28-2006, 12:16 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 175

Well it does appear to be just a litle bit to much overkill for the average stargazer, and eaven me 8O

But I do like the lovely drawings for the constellations, to visualize how they are ment to be seen, too often I've looked at a constellation, and wondered how the ancient people could make that look like anny thing :?

In fact, that is the only feature I miss in Pocketstars

Eaven if I feel that $40,- is a litle on the wild side, for a stargazing programe, it's proppaly worth it, if you take the gazing a litle further than the average Joe, and realy want to know what is out there 0X
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Old 10-28-2006, 12:39 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 76

Originally Posted by cacella
Yes. It is not a simple software. If you want only to identify constellations in the sky or is a layman, then its better to go to PocketStars. If you are amateur astronomer there is no option

Sorry kamikun but you are joking ))

As a PPC enthusiast and a part-time amateur astronomer I whole heartily support the development of sky observing programs. And I understand the concept of what you are trying to develop (something akin to an electronic version of Burnham's Celestial HB, I think).

But given the freeware options out there and the value added options your application offers, that's a mighty big cliff for your program has to scale to make it worth $40.

Yes, it offers a beautiful VGA experience. Yes, it offers all kind of info of interest to the weekend sky-gazer (although I have never had any luck using my PPC while doing serious deep-sky stuff.. I'm old school and use optics only not ccd's, so the PPC tends to wipe out my night vision). Yes, I would love to add it to the progs I currently use.

But, yes, the interface needs work - it is far from intuitive and I consider myself a pretty tech-savvy sky gazer. And $40 puts it out of reach for me. Maybe there is a market for this and I certainly hope you make a profit on your efforts. But have you considered a "light" version so you can widen your possible market?
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Old 10-28-2006, 01:37 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 5


I was only provocative :lol:

Let me try to explain the concept better. In our vision user is right all time. If I've not communicated well it is my fault.

What you can do in Tachyon that few or no application can do ?

1 - GSC data to 15th mag. This make it the only useful app to be used in field. You cannot use any available app to find Asteroids or Comets in a field because of lack of data (stars). It is the only tool available where you can check supernovae.

2 - It has an integrated planning tool that imports astroplanner

3 - It uses and can import Vizier deepsky catalogs and have even PGC with galaxies up to 17th mag

4 - It has descriptions of thousands of deepsky objects through several telescopes

5 - It has sketches of several Messier and NGC objects as seen through a telescope

6 - It gets SOHO/GOES images and have full Clementine Moon Map to 500m resolution

7 - You can control a lot of telescopes and have a handpad emulation (not a simple one, but a better than LX200GPS for any telescope)

8 - Colored Hipparcos stars following spectral classes, including an HR diagram

9 - Physical detailed data of Planets and satellites

10 - Slideshows that are connected through context menus to Telescope GOTO and Sky Chart

11 - Complete GCVS variable stars catalog

12 - WDS catalog with drawing of double positions

13 - Supernova tool linked with DSS/SDDS images

14 - You can capture and embedd DSS and SDSS images to overlay a Realsky

15 - You have a PC client that importa AAVSO cCharts, Make Deepsky Catalogs control Telescope and Dome Through ASCOM and much more

16 - ASTORB asteroidal data and update from the web for Comets, NEOS and so on

17 - Many other things that I can't remember now...

You can see that this is light-years distant from any freeware and commecial applications. Compare Tachyon with Pocket Stars or Tayioukei is unfair in my viewpoint. It is much, much more complex and detailed. But it is not simple for a layman.

Regarding price...Well I understand that. I've made this not to make money, as you can imagine for an astronomical application of this kind. This is VERY cheap for Amateur Astronomers and VERY expensive for those who wants information that PocketStars or equivalent shows up.

What I am thinking is a way to make affordabble for students or astronomical clubs. What do you think ?

ps: I do not have any problems with critical views. I understand that this can make things better. That way feel free to make any kind of observations and go to our FORUM as to exchange some ideas...

I am a long time amateur astronomer and I can assure you that with freewares or paid softwares available (except Tachyon ) you cannot do almost anything useful with a PDA except identify constellations, messier objects, planets and you are done. Tachyon is much more than that.

Best Regards,

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