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Old 10-25-2006, 01:17 AM
Jason Dunn
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Default The Gear Diary DualCor Interview

"Our argument at DualCor is that the world is going mobile, and as people get more mobile, they want and need devices that are more and more powerful, more and more flexible, more and more elegant, always on, always available, with virtually endless battery life. DualCor has developed and patented the foundational technology for those devices; we have the no-compromises platform for the mobile world. I have every belief that we will connect with a venture capital firm who gets that vision and understands the DualCor opportunity, who will elect to lead the investment. After all, that�s what made the technology industry great�venture capital that had the vision and the gumption to catch lightning in a bottle."

Judie over at Gear Diary has a great interview Q&A with Rob Howe, President and COO of DualCor. The DualCor is an interesting device with some powerful features, but also some trade-offs. Check out the Q&A and weigh in - what does DualCor need to do to win your dollars, or does it already make your geek "Must Have" list?
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Old 10-25-2006, 01:59 AM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 4
Default what a crappy interview

You know- we finally get a chance to put DualCor on the spot and all the interviewer does (yes, i know who she is and that all the tech blogs love her) is ask leading questions- and fluff ones at that.

What about bringing DualCor to task for missing the launch by a whole year? What about nailing them for their deceptive marketing on their website (Dualcor is better than a UMPC? UMPC's have launched and can be bought, my friend).

Just makes me mad- they were ready to change the world, put OQO in it's place, remap the mobile workforce. And then, nothing.

Here's was the opportunity to ask the hard questions, not get them to read from their marketing and investment brochure.

Shame on you Judie.
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Old 10-25-2006, 03:45 AM
Nurhisham Hussein
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Default Re: The Gear Diary DualCor Interview

Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
What does DualCor need to do to win your dollars, or does it already make your geek "Must Have" list?
1. Integrate the radios for crying out loud - having seprate dongles for bluetooth and wifi are ridiculous in this day and age.
2. The next version should have an integrated thumboard - that's the direction that users have indicated as being necessary. Witness the Sony UX.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."
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Old 10-25-2006, 08:15 AM
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Default Re: The Gear Diary DualCor Interview

Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
"... we have the no-compromises platform for the mobile world. ..."
That's not exactly true if you have a mobile product without any wireless built in. Maybe it's just me but no wireless would qualify as a serious compromise/drawback in my book.

There are also some other comments in the interview that caught my attention.
Like the fact that they are pretty much admitting the thing is complicated - due to its dual design and because of that expensive.
But the biggest one is that they are trying to find main investor - I don't know, but this doesn't give much confidence that they will ever manage to make this product a reality.
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Old 10-26-2006, 11:56 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 175

The first time I read about the DualCor machine, I was wetting my pants ower it, and startet a personal found raising, so I could afford it, once it got relesed 8O

Then came the news about all the wireless connections being dropped, and I started to think: "Hmmm well maybe not", but for the last 5 or 6 months I've been thinking deffinately not.

It's still a way too cool device, with both Win XP and Win Mobile in one gadget, and a heap of memory, but with all the tradeoffs since January, its lost all its apeal, and is starting to get a litle out of fashion. HP allready launched the 2GB PPC, and WiFi + BT + GPRS/UMTS being standard nowadays, who needs a handheld Win XP device?

It was a realy good idea, at the time, but it has drowned it self, and is looking more and more like the waporware of the year, wich is bad news for my inner geek :cry:
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