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Old 10-10-2006, 05:30 AM
Darius Wey
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
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Default Telecom New Zealand Preparing Palm Treo 700w/wx

"I just got an invitation to attend a media event wher Palm, Telecom New Zealand and Microsoft will demonstrate a new Windows Mobile Palm Treo connected to the Telecom New Zealand CDMA EVDO network. I am pretty sure this will be the first Palm Treo CDMA EVDO being released outside the U.S. where it is available now as Treo 700w (Verizon Wireless) and Palm Treo 700wx (Sprint). Knowing that Telecom New Zealand has a close relationship with Sprint, I'd guess the version being released here is either the Palm Treo 700wx (pictured below) or a similar one."

Mauricio at Geekzone is reporting that Telecom New Zealand is preparing to announce the launch of the Treo 700w/wx (most likely, the latter) on October 19. In the coming months, we can also expect Telstra (Australia) to announce a Palm Treo for use on its newly-announced Next G network. These are exciting times for Windows Mobile and Palm, as we finally see the new Windows Mobile-based Treos available in almost all regions around the world.
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Old 10-11-2006, 02:57 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 866

Well all I can say is that its about bloody time we get these devices!!!

I have been waiting for the dopod 838 pro to come out on 3 (my current carrier), but I just saw the Samsung i760 on Engadget and it simply looks gorgeous!!!
Mitchell Oke - Gear Diary Editor
MacBook Pro, Self-Built Media Center PC on 22" LCD
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