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Old 09-17-2006, 01:00 PM
Jon Westfall
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Default PDAGold Posts iPAQ hw6900 Series Review

"That's all. If you expected a numeric evaluation of individual parameters, I must disappoint you - there is none. It took me an increasing amount of time to produce the rating but, more importantly, it was becoming more and more difficult to categorise devices with respect to the ever-growing number of competitors. Unfortunately, I cannot buy every device I review to be able to make direct comparisons, so have had to improvise more and more often of late. You just cannot fairly compare a device's display with one you saw half a year ago. Hopefully, when a new version of this website comes to life, I will try and deal with the problem. Until then, there are going to be only descriptive evaluations. Hope you find them satisfactory."

PDAGold has released a massive review of the iPAQ hw6915, including some wonderful pictures. This device really is an all-in-one package, and if you're not turned off immediately by the square screen or lack of VGA, I'd say it is a viable option. If you're waiting for a Thoughts review on this device, between you and me, there's a good chance one will be appearing in the not too distant future
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
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Old 09-18-2006, 03:24 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 75


My 6945 is on order and I'll be replacing my ETen M600+ with it. I like the M600+ but the folks on the other end of my phone conversations don't. They say there's too much static. I have a friend who has an M600+ just like mine and I have to agree. I get too much static, when I talk to him. I've flashed the ROM to the latest upgrade now and it's somewhat improved.

In reading another review of the 6915, the reviewer said the phone is excellent. What good is a smartphone, if the phone's not up to par. ETen just released the M600+ to soon. The 256mb ROM is great BUT the phone lacks.


Current: 16GB 3G iPhone. 32GB iPhone 4G Gone: Can't tell ya'... My wife might find out
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Old 09-18-2006, 06:44 PM
Jon Westfall
Executive Editor, Android Thoughts
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Originally Posted by eugarps
In reading another review of the 6915, the reviewer said the phone is excellent.
I've had no problem with the sound quality on the device - and have gotten no complaints from others. Shame about the M600 problems!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts

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Old 09-19-2006, 03:53 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 75


OT: But an update on the ETen M600+: after the 230 ROM flash the echoing on the other end seems to have gone away. I found that my friend had not, as yet, flashed the ROM. Folks I call seem to have less of a problem hearing me now.

On Topic: I'm still in HP Limbo wondering from whence the hw6945 will come. :roll:

The good news is: I'll probably sell my GSM Unbranded Treo 650, before the eBay price takes too much of a hit and I'll be able to compare and contrast the ETen M600+ vs. the iPAQ hw6945 in a future post...... Unless you get your hw69XX first.... :mrgreen:


Current: 16GB 3G iPhone. 32GB iPhone 4G Gone: Can't tell ya'... My wife might find out
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Old 09-19-2006, 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by eugarps
On Topic: I'm still in HP Limbo wondering from whence the hw6945 will come.
HP got them in on Friday 9/15. Mine was sent out that day (night?) and I had it before noon on Monday (yesterday). I did spring for the overnight shipping. I had an expected ship date of 9/21.
That's a lot quicker than the Hx4700 fiasco two years ago = 2+ months late.
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Old 09-21-2006, 12:06 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 6

I ordered an hw6945 last Monday, 09/11/2006 (the first day they were available for sale on They said I was in the first group that would receive units when they arrived, and said it would ship on 09/20. I called on 09/20 to confirm and they said it was pushed out to 09/26. I'm quite disappointed with this. How did you get yours so soon?

Originally Posted by Hx4700
Originally Posted by eugarps
On Topic: I'm still in HP Limbo wondering from whence the hw6945 will come.
HP got them in on Friday 9/15. Mine was sent out that day (night?) and I had it before noon on Monday (yesterday). I did spring for the overnight shipping. I had an expected ship date of 9/21.
That's a lot quicker than the Hx4700 fiasco two years ago = 2+ months late.
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Old 09-21-2006, 04:48 AM
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Your info that the first date of sale to be 9/11 is in error.

I had heard somewhere that the Hw6945 would be released the week of 9/4. Memory fails me as to where this started.
I started calling HP sales that week, every morning after 8am central. I did find out it would be released first from Home and Small Bus group. (is this where you missed?)
When I called on Wed. morning, 9/6, I was told "not yet available for even pre-order".
When I called Thur morning, 9/7, they took my order. Because of my poor memory, as referenced above, I just looked at my invoice to verify the order date of 9/7 to be correct. It also says expected Ship Date of 9/21.
The HP sales rep on Thur am said that she also checked Wed morning and "not yet available". But she said that Wed, 9/6, afternoon they were available, so even I missed the first half day of availablity. She also said that about a hundred orders were already in, and I was probably in the second hundred group.
A couple of tricks I did use to get my order up front --
First, I paid for overnight premium shipping. I just think that these orders would get sent out first. So maybe I jumped ahead of some of those first hundred group with this.
Second, don't ever put anything else on the order of a new product. HP will hold the goodies if one small thing is not available. I wanted an extra battery, but I would not put it on the same order as the Hw6945.
Then I also started calling in the evening, several days before the 9/21 expected ship date.
On the night of 9/15 (Friday, of course) the rep was surprised to see it had been shipped. Actually I think it was ready, but still waiting and went out Midnight or later.
I tracked that sucker like a hawk, several times a day. Overnight shipping from Friday is a Monday delivery. It was a looooonng weekend. The good news about using the weekend was I got delivery in the morning on Monday, when Fedex usually does residential delivery last.
Another story I heard (several days after I ordered) was that 1,000 units were coming in (same day? don't know.) and there were already 600 ordered.
Sorry, this was long-winded more than I expected. -- But "Now you know the rest of the story."
Good luck... Ron...
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Old 09-21-2006, 08:02 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 6

Thanks for the detailed chronology. I had been watching the home/small business web site almost daily, and Monday 9/11 was the first day that it had the "Add to Shopping Cart" button. Apparently based on what you experienced they were taking phone orders earlier.

I did not add anything else to my order, and I requested UPS 2 day blue label. They said I was in the first 700 units ordered, and that the first 1,000 would be coming in on 09/20. Looks like there's nothing I can do now but wait , and it's driving me nuts because I need a PDA badly (trying to use a Razr as a PDA is futile). My HP Jornada 720 is a beast and not really that portable.

How do you like your new hw6945?

Originally Posted by Hx4700
Your info that the first date of sale to be 9/11 is in error.

I had heard somewhere that the Hw6945 would be released the week of 9/4. Memory fails me as to where this started.
I started calling HP sales that week, every morning after 8am central. I did find out it would be released first from Home and Small Bus group. (is this where you missed?)
When I called on Wed. morning, 9/6, I was told "not yet available for even pre-order".
When I called Thur morning, 9/7, they took my order. Because of my poor memory, as referenced above, I just looked at my invoice to verify the order date of 9/7 to be correct. It also says expected Ship Date of 9/21.
The HP sales rep on Thur am said that she also checked Wed morning and "not yet available". But she said that Wed, 9/6, afternoon they were available, so even I missed the first half day of availablity. She also said that about a hundred orders were already in, and I was probably in the second hundred group.
A couple of tricks I did use to get my order up front --
First, I paid for overnight premium shipping. I just think that these orders would get sent out first. So maybe I jumped ahead of some of those first hundred group with this.
Second, don't ever put anything else on the order of a new product. HP will hold the goodies if one small thing is not available. I wanted an extra battery, but I would not put it on the same order as the Hw6945.
Then I also started calling in the evening, several days before the 9/21 expected ship date.
On the night of 9/15 (Friday, of course) the rep was surprised to see it had been shipped. Actually I think it was ready, but still waiting and went out Midnight or later.
I tracked that sucker like a hawk, several times a day. Overnight shipping from Friday is a Monday delivery. It was a looooonng weekend. The good news about using the weekend was I got delivery in the morning on Monday, when Fedex usually does residential delivery last.
Another story I heard (several days after I ordered) was that 1,000 units were coming in (same day? don't know.) and there were already 600 ordered.
Sorry, this was long-winded more than I expected. -- But "Now you know the rest of the story."
Good luck... Ron...
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Old 09-22-2006, 09:53 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 6

Mine shipped - will receive it Monday 09/25
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