09-11-2006, 02:00 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Announcing the new Pocket PC Thoughts Software Affiliate Store - Save 20%!
I'm pleased to announce that we're partnered up with MobiHand to launch the new Pocket PC Thoughts software store. Why MobiHand? Two reasons: first, they only charge developers a 20% fee, which is less than half of what other competing services charge. Since it has been developers that have supported Pocket PC Thoughts through advertising from the beginning, I'm a big fan of developers and making sure they are successful. Some very strong opinions were expressed about companies that charge 40%+ for selling applications, and I have to agree that it seems high. 20% seems much more reasonable. Score one point for MobiHand.
Next, as someone who's trying to make a living off this whole "Internet" thing, affiliate earnings are an important factor for me. MobiHand offers a significant bump in affiliate rates over our previous default store, so that means more money to pay for our two dedicated servers. The affiliate percentage factors into what the developer earns of course, but even after my cut the developer ends up with 10-15% more than with Handango. And I think most developers would agree that if they're getting active promotion on a third-party site, the affiliate is earning their fee.
If you're a dedicated Handango shopper and would like to continue shopping with them, and still supporting us by purchasing through our affiliate store, please do so: the store is still there at the same location. MobiHand has a more selective catalog, focusing more on quality rather than quantity, so we'll keep our Handango store up as long as they'll have us.
No matter how you chose to support Pocket PC Thoughts with your software purchases, we appreciate it! Here's the money-saving part: as part of our store grand-opening, we have a 20% discount coupon code (PPC20) that's valid until October 11th. Enjoy!

09-11-2006, 03:04 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 102
From looking at Mobihand.com's agreement, it's true that they advertise a 20% comission for direct sales from their site. However, the also say,
40% of "Gross Revenue" - for any Software sold through Channel Partners via credit/debit card, Premium SMS, IVR, BOBO, and Direct Billing.
Which indicates they take 40% comission when purchasing thru affiliates like PPC Thoughts and others. Also like Pocketgear.com and Handango.com, they require that the developer create a special version of their uploaded application that say"Go to Mobihand.com to purchase this software" on the demo expired or registration screen. For me, this is a showstopper when selling my apps since I don't want to create and maintain a special version just for these sites.
Now, they look like a good site (clean looking, professional, etc.) but they seem to have some of the same requirements as the other e-stores.

09-11-2006, 08:42 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 481
Nothing kills a software site's usefulness quicker than mixing themes, wallpaper and ringtones in with the software ...

09-12-2006, 05:05 AM
Developer & Designer, News Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 12,959
Originally Posted by PPCRules
Nothing kills a software site's usefulness quicker than mixing themes, wallpaper and ringtones in with the software ...
Unfortunately, most of the major software sites (Handango, PocketGear et al.) do this, so it can get messy at times.

09-12-2006, 07:13 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 110
If you can get the developers here I will buy from them here! I totally support what you are doing...........HIGH FIVE PC Thoughts!!!!!!! You have my support!

09-15-2006, 10:38 PM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 73
Yes, Mobihand is 20% off their site, and 40% from channels (not including the affilate fee).
And they are very new...remember Handango didn't raise their rates until they had market traction. All ESDs eventually come to the same rate.
You could, Jason, make closer to 50% from affiliate sales if you deal directly with the small software developer. That's better than 10-15%. But on the other hand, it would require more work on your part.
But with that kind of huge revenue boost you could hire more people to help you. You've certainly got the traffic to generate massive revenue (if you are making 50% on every sale).
Not to mention every software developer would love to deal directly with Thoughs Media, instead of a cold and distant ESD.