Re: Step-by-Step Instructions on Configuring GPS for Windows Mobile 5
Originally Posted by Ekkie Tepsupornchai
If anyone has had any problems configuring GPS for your Windows Mobile 5 device, this is definitely a worthy blog post to check out. There are some complications involved if you're using a Smartphone instead of a Pocket PC or if your Pocket PC OEM decided to hide the GPS control panel. However, the author takes some care in walking you through these challenges as well as the entire configuration step-by-step. Check it out and let us know your thoughts.
I have to admit that TomTomNav5 and WM5 has been a nightmare. I have in the past attempted the various How To's online but it didn't work for me and my Qtek 9100. Installing the software was relatively painless - but a bit unwealdly! The issue was with the BT GPS setting up.
The suggestion that the Serial Port needed to be ticked was for me a red herring - doing this meant that everytime I started TomTom I had to re-pair the BT devices for the GPS to start. This was resolved by unticking the Serial Port box and then setting up a New Outgoing Port to Comm 6. Now the GPS connects everytime. I have not had to undertake ANY reg hacking either - and all this chat about baud rates was also irrelevant for me to get TomTom working.
I was very disappointed that TomTom just left us all to get on with it!
iPhone 4 32GB Jailbroken and iPad 3G 64GB .